Category Archives: Grants

Emergency Connectivity Fund – Third Application Filing Window Announced

For more grants like this one, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

If you missed the first two application windows for the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), you’re in luck! The FCC has announced a third filing window will open on April 28. It’s a very short window – only 2 weeks. So, if you are considering applying, start preparing now.

IMPORTANT! The Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) is strictly for ‘off-site’ use – meaning not at the library. You cannot use the funds to purchase laptops, hotspots, or internet service that will be used within the library.

The purpose of the ECF is to address the homework gap – connecting students, teachers, and library patrons to broadband connections when they are off-campus and not at the library. The funds are to be used to provide connectivity (wi-fi hotspots and service, for example) and devices (laptops/tablets) to your library patrons to use outside of the library. They must be loaned out to your patrons to use at home or elsewhere. They cannot be used to provide internet in the library.

From the ECF announcement:

In view of outstanding demand, the FCC announced that they will open a third application filing window for schools and libraries to request Emergency Connectivity Fund Program support for eligible equipment and up to 12 months of services that will be received or delivered between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2023 for off-campus use by students, school staff, and library patrons with unmet needs.

The third application filing window will open on Thursday, April 28, 2022 and close on Friday, May 13, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Please see the Public Notice (DA 22-309) for additional information about the third application filing window, the service delivery date, and invoice filing deadline applicable to equipment, other non-recurring service, and recurring service requests submitted during this filing window.

Visit the Training page on the Emergency Connectivity Fund Program website to view trainings and access e-learning modules.

To stay informed about the ECF program, sign up for the weekly ECF Newsletters and read the previous newsletters at

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ARSL 2022 Conference Scholarship Applications are Open!

For more grants like these, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

Applications for four ARSL-funded competitive conference scholarships are now open! These scholarships are offered to first-time conference attendees to help cover the cost of in-person conference attendance.

The Application Window closes on May 3, 2022. See the full details about all of the scholarships and apply at

The 2022 ARSL Annual Conference will be held in Chattanooga, TN from September 14-17, 2022.

All scholarship awards include:

  • complimentary registration to the full ARSL annual conference
  • 3 paid nights in the conference hotel

The Dr. Bernard Vavrek Student Scholarship and the Founders Early-Career (1-5 years) Library Worker Scholarship also include a $500 travel stipend.

All applicants will be notified of the status of their application before the opening of Early Bird Registration on June 14.

And don’t forget to submit your Program Proposal to present at the ARSL Conference by April 12.

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Grant Opportunity: 2022 John Cotton Dana Awards

For more grants like this one, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

Submissions are open for the 2022 John Cotton Dana Award (JCD). The John Cotton Dana Award is one of the most prestigious awards given to libraries and it honors outstanding library public relations. Up to eight $10,000 awards will be provided by the H.W. Wilson Foundation in 2022.

Libraries of all types and sizes are encouraged to submit entries for a 2022 John Cotton Dana Award to vie for one of the $10,000 awards. The entries should highlight a strategic communications campaign from the past year and previous winners have included rebranding efforts, promotion of archives and special collections, awareness campaigns, community partnerships and special events. Entries may be submitted by any library, Friends group, consulting agency or service provider, unless they are represented on the JCD committee.

The awards are managed by Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures (Core). The 2022 John Cotton Dana Award winners will be announced in June 2022.

To begin your submission or learn more please visit these sites:

John Cotton Dana Application Details

John Cotton Dana Evaluation Criteria

John Cotton Dana Submission Site

Learn more about the John Cotton Dana Awards from past winner and judges:

JCD – EBSCO Blog – Tips to Run a Successful John Cotton Dana Award Campaign from Anchorage Public Library

JCD – EBSCO Blog – John Cotton Dana Award Winner’s “Amplify 817” Campaign: Music to Fort Worth’s Ears

JCD – EBSCO Blog – The 2021 John Cotton Dana Awards – A Look Inside the Judging Process

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Big Talk From Small Libraries 2022 is tomorrow!

Small libraries! Awesome ideas! FREE!

Join us tomorrow for the 2022 Big Talk From Small Libraries online conference. Registration is still open, so head over to the Registration page and sign up!

We have a full agenda for the day, with speakers from academic, school, and public libraries presenting on a wide variety of topics: managing staff conflicts, serving LGBTQ+ patrons and families, genrefying library collections, university research and citation support, genealogy and local history, and much more.

This event is a great opportunity to learn about the innovative things your colleagues are doing in their small libraries.

And, Nebraska library staff and board members can earn 1 hour of CE Credit for each hour of the conference you attend! A special Big Talk From Small Libraries CE Report form has been made available for you to submit your C.E. credits.

So, come join us for a day of big ideas from small libraries!

Posted in Books & Reading, Education & Training, Grants, Information Resources, Library Management, Programming, Public Relations, Technology, Youth Services | Tagged | Leave a comment

Nebraska Library Commission Awards Grants for Youth Library Service

NLC Logo

February 23, 2022

Sally Snyder

Nebraska Library Commission Awards Grants for Youth Library Service

The Nebraska Library Commission recently awarded $115,466 in grants for Excellence in Youth service. Of the grants awarded to seventy-eight Nebraska libraries, several addressed the need for educational programs, furniture for children’s and teen spaces, book kits, and materials like LEGO®, STEAM, and other activities to encourage creativity in young people.

The Nebraska Library Commission congratulates all the libraries who received grants as they develop new and innovative programs to ensure excellence in library service for Nebraska young people. You can find the full list of grant recipients on the Nebraska Library Commission grants database

Proposals include:

  • Coding clubs
  • STEAM programing and materials
  • Book club activities
  • Creative writing projects
  • Afterschool programing
  • Summer Reading programs
  • Music and movement class
  • New furniture for children’s and teen spaces
  • Makerspace items for children/youth
  • Builders’ Club with Lego
  • 1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Youth Grants for Excellence are made available by the Nebraska Library Commission with funding provided from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the federal stimulus bill passed by Congress, as administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The Nebraska Library Commission has received a one-time award of $2,422,166. A portion of this funding was allocated for the Youth Grants for Excellence.

As the state library agency, the Nebraska Library Commission is an advocate for the library and information needs of all Nebraskans. The mission of the Library Commission is statewide promotion, development, and coordination of library and information services, “bringing together people and information.”


The most up-to-date news releases from the Nebraska Library Commission are always available on the Library Commission Website,

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Continuing Education & Training Grants: Applications Extended!

The deadline for the Continuing Education and Training Grant applications has been extended to March 1, 2022!

This year we are offering grants in three different areas: taking an online course, attending an out-of-state professional conference, and other larger continuing education projects for library staff or library board members.

Continuing Education and Training Grants 2022:

Details and Applications

The purpose of these grants is to assist Nebraska libraries to improve the library services provided to their communities through continuing education and training for their library personnel and supporters. Successful applications will show how the continuing education and/or training proposed will support the library’s mission.

Applications and support forms are due March 1, 2022.

Recipients will be notified by March 15, 2022.

For more details about this and other NLC grants, the NCompass Live archived session “NLC Grants for 2022” is also available.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Holli Duggan

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Nebraska Arts Council announces new grant to advance creative aging programs for older adults

For more grants like this one, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

For additional information contact: Chad Dolezal, Communications Manager, 402.595.2122,


(Nebr.) – The Nebraska Arts Council (NAC) is pleased to announce a new grant to advance creative aging programs for older adults in Nebraska, funded by the Leveraging State Investments in Creative Aging grant provided by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) and Aroha Philanthropies.

NAC’s new Creative Aging through the Arts Program (CAAP) funds artist-led workshops at senior centers, assisted living facilities, libraries, or nonprofit organizations serving older adults in Nebraska. Over the course of eight workshops, participants will hone their artistic skills in music, creative writing, drama, dance, or artmaking while engaging with peers. Programs end with a final performance, exhibit or reading, shared with the local community.

Older adults often face ageism and isolation, and have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. The CAAP program was developed to combat these negative effects. CAAP encourages socialization, creativity, and opportunities to demonstrate important contributions by older adults to society.

For information about new creative aging activities taking place in Nebraska visit NAC’s website

Contact NAC Program Specialist Anne Alston at for more information.

For additional information about NASAA’s Leveraging State Investments in Creative Aging initiative, visit

About the Nebraska Arts Council:

The Nebraska Arts Council (NAC), a state agency, provides numerous grants, services and special initiatives that help sustain and promote the arts throughout Nebraska. NAC is supported by the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, Nebraska Legislature and National Endowment for the Arts.

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Apply for programming support with the second annual ALA Peggy Barber Tribute Grant

For more grants like this one, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

The American Library Association (ALA) invites library workers to apply for the second annual Peggy Barber Tribute Grant, a programming grant named after the transformative ALA leader responsible for the creation of National Library Week and the Celebrity READ series.

The Peggy Barber Tribute Grant is an annual grant that recognizes, promotes, and supports meaningful programs in libraries that have limited and/or no access to budgetary support for programming. This grant aims to help ease budget challenges by annually awarding three libraries $2,500 to support a proposed program, program series, or programming effort.

Applications for the 2021 award will be accepted from December 1, 2021, to February 1, 2022. Read the grant guidelines and apply online.

Each year, the grant will focus on supporting a specific type of library programming. For the 2021–2022 cycle, libraries are invited to submit applications for a grant to support humanities-based programming. Proposed programs may be in-person or virtual and should take into consideration local health and safety regulations related to COVID-19.

All library types — including public, academic, K-12, tribal and special libraries — in the U.S. or U.S. territories are eligible. Applicants must have a personal or institutional membership with either the American Library Association OR the Association for Rural & Small Libraries.

Peggy Barber served as ALA’s associate executive director of communications from 1970 to 2000. In that role, she established ALA’s Public Information Office, Public Programs Office and the ALA Graphics department. After leaving ALA, she was a principal consultant with Library Communication Strategies and served as co-president of Friends of Libraries USA, now known as United for Libraries. She passed away in August 2019.

The Peggy Barber Tribute Grant was created with donations from Barber’s friends and colleagues. To support the grant, make a contribution to the Peggy Barber tribute fund within ALA’s Cultural Communities Fund.

To stay informed about future grants and awards offered by ALA’s Public Programs Office, sign up for the Programming Librarian e-newsletter.

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ALA invites applications for third annual Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant

For more grants like this one, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

The American Library Association (ALA) invites library workers to apply for the Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant, an annual award supporting innovative and meaningful community engagement efforts in libraries.

Applications will be accepted between December 1, 2021, and February 1, 2022. View the full award guidelines and apply online at

The Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant recognizes, promotes and supports innovative and meaningful community engagement efforts in libraries. It will provide two grants of $2,000 for a school, public, academic, tribal or special library to expand its community engagement efforts.

Libraries are invited to apply by designing and outlining activities for a library-led community engagement project. Community engagement is the process of working collaboratively with community members – be they library patrons, residents, faculty, students, or local organizations – to address issues for the betterment of the community.

Each year, the grant will focus on supporting a community engagement project with a specific theme. For the 2021–2022 cycle, libraries are invited to submit applications for a community engagement project that focuses on a social justice issue of importance in their communities. Examples of potential topics include racial justice, climate justice, or addressing the digital divide. Libraries should work collaboratively with community members and at least one partner organization to develop a project that addresses a local issue and builds upon community assets.

Visit the grant guidelines for more information.

Project activities to be covered by the grant may include developing community engagement programs and services; partnering with a community agency that builds the capacity of the community to address an important concern/issue; or creating a program or event that connects the library to a community-identified aspiration or concern.

ALA announced the creation of the Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant in 2019, raising a total of $70,000 from 130 individuals. The initiative was made possible by a matching grant from former ALA president and longtime generous supporter Nancy Kranich.

Last year’s grant was won by Albany (N.Y.) Public Library for their Branching Out program, a community initiative that aims to uplift local Black voices in music and art.

The Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant is part of Libraries Transforming Communities (LTC), ALA’s community engagement initiative. Since 2014, LTC has reimagined the role libraries play in supporting communities. Libraries of all types, from across the country, have utilized the free dialogue and deliberation training and resources to lead community and campus forums; take part in anti-violence activities; provide a safe space for residents to come together to discuss challenging topics; and have productive conversations with civic leaders, library trustees and staff.

LTC is administered by ALA’s Public Programs Office. To stay informed about future grants and awards offered by ALA’s Public Programs Office, sign up for the Programming Librarian e-newsletter.

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CE Grants: Submit your application!

CE Grants Due 01/14/22. Submit your application: [link]

Applications for the Continuing Education & Training Grants are still open!

The purpose of these grants is to assist Nebraska libraries in improving the library services provided to their communities through continuing education and training for their library personnel and supporters. This year, the Nebraska Library Commission is offering grants for online learning courses, attending conferences (in-person or virtually), or for larger staff or board member training projects.

Applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. CST on January 14, 2022. We will inform applicants whether they have received a grant on or before February 4, 2022.

The applicant must be either 1) employed in an accredited Nebraska public library or a state-run institutional library at the time of application and for the duration of the grant, or 2) a current board member of an accredited Nebraska public library at the time of application and for the duration of the grant.

More details about the grant and application requirements are available on the Continuing Education Grants page.

If you have any questions at all, please contact Holli Duggan, Continuing Education Coordinator.

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CE Grants: Applications Still Open!

Continuing Education and Training Grants. Applications due January 14, 2022

Applications for the Continuing Education & Training Grants are still open!

The purpose of these grants is to assist Nebraska libraries in improving the library services provided to their communities through continuing education and training for their library personnel and supporters. This year, the Nebraska Library Commission is offering grants for online learning courses, attending conferences (in-person or virtually), or for larger staff or board member training projects.

Applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. CST on January 14, 2022. We will inform applicants whether they have received a grant on or before February 4, 2022.

The applicant must be either 1) employed in an accredited Nebraska public library or a state-run institutional library at the time of application and for the duration of the grant, or 2) a current board member of an accredited Nebraska public library at the time of application and for the duration of the grant.

More details about the grant and application requirements are available on the Continuing Education Grants page.

If you have any questions at all, please contact Holli Duggan, Continuing Education Coordinator.

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Penguin Random House and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries Launch New Grant Program

For more grants like this one, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

Seattle, Washington, October 25 – Penguin Random House and The Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) today announced a rolling grant program to recognize rural, small and tribal libraries that support underserved communities in the U.S. and U.S. territories.

The program will award grants of up to $2,500 to libraries that demonstrate a true need. Grants are not limited to literacy and may be used for everything from library programming and books to resources like hotspots that help community members access important information. In-kind donations will also be considered.

Kate Laughlin, Executive Director, The Association for Rural & Small Libraries said, “Our nation’s small and rural libraries already faced so many challenges pre-pandemic. Those challenges have only become more urgent during the past year and a half. ARSL cannot thank Penguin Random House enough for recognizing the essential place our libraries hold in our communities, and stepping up to show real, practical support.”

“The past couple years have been incredibly challenging for everyone, and we know rural areas have been especially hard-hit,” said Skip Dye, Senior Vice President of Sales Operations and Library Sales, Penguin Random House. “In these communities, libraries have been lifelines in countless ways, from serving as trusted sources for reliable information to providing access to important services and resources. We are honored to partner with ARSL to help elevate their impact.”

Penguin Random House and ARSL have worked together to ensure the application process is simple and straightforward to remove as many barriers to applying for a grant as possible. For the award application and more information about the program, please visit the info page:

About the Association for Rural and Small Libraries

As the premier organization representing rural and small libraries, ARSL’s mission is to build strong communities through advocacy, professional development, and elevating the impact of rural and small libraries. ARSL recognizes the uniqueness of small and rural libraries and is committed providing an environment that encourages excellence within this community of practice, supporting their goals of service and speaking on behalf of this important constituency. 1 in 3 libraries in the United States serve communities of 2,500 or fewer residents, and ARSL is committed to identifying and addressing the needs of the library professionals who serve them.

About Penguin Random House

Penguin Random House, the world’s largest trade book publisher, is dedicated to its mission of nourishing a universal passion for reading by connecting authors and their writing with readers everywhere. The company, which employs more than 10,000 people globally, was formed on July 1, 2013, by Bertelsmann and Pearson. As of April 1, 2020, Bertelsmann is full owner of the company. With more than 300 imprints and brands on six continents, Penguin Random House comprises adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction print and digital English- German- and Spanish-language trade book publishing businesses in more than 20 countries worldwide. With over 15,000 new titles, and more than 600 million print, audio and eBooks sold annually, Penguin Random House’s publishing lists include more than 80 Nobel Prize laureates and hundreds of the world’s most widely read authors.

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Apply for ALA’s Humanities Grants for Libraries

For more grants like this one, check the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

ALA invites libraries to apply for funding through its American Rescue Plan: Humanities Grants for Libraries opportunity, a grantmaking program to deliver relief to libraries recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.

With funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, ALA will distribute $2 million to help anchor libraries as strong humanities institutions as they emerge and rebuild from the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of this emergency relief program is to assist libraries that have been adversely affected by the pandemic and require support to restore and sustain their core activities.

Up to 200 U.S. libraries of all types (e.g., public, tribal, K-12, academic, special, prison) and representing a broad range of communities will receive $10,000 through a competitive, peer-reviewed application process. Register for a free webinar to learn about the application. 

ALA will accept applications from October 5 to December 2, 2021. Learn more and apply online.

Selected libraries will receive:

The general goals of this ARP opportunity include to help create or preserve jobs; support or maintain general operations; create or sustain humanities programs; and implement new humanities activities or sustain existing activities. Eligible expenses include salary and benefit support for library workers engaged in humanities activities; costs related to in-person or virtual humanities programming, such as book clubs and guest lectures; and marketing and advertising to support library humanities efforts.

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Call for Speakers: Big Talk From Small Libraries 2022

The Call for Speakers for Big Talk From Small Libraries 2022 is now open!

This free one-day online conference is aimed at librarians from small libraries; the smaller the better! We are looking for speakers from small libraries or speakers who directly work with small libraries. Small libraries of all types – public, academic, school, museum, special, etc. – are encouraged to submit a proposal. We’re looking for seven 50-minute presentations and four 10-minute “lightning round” presentations.

Do you offer a service or program at your small library that other librarians might like to hear about? Have you implemented a new (or old) technology, hosted an event, partnered with others in your community, or just done something really cool? The Big Talk From Small Libraries online conference gives you the opportunity to share what you’ve done, while learning what your colleagues in other small libraries are doing.

Here are some possible topics to get you thinking:

  • Unique Libraries
  • Special Collections
  • New buildings
  • Fundraising
  • Improved Workflows
  • Staff Development
  • Advocacy Efforts
  • Community Partnerships
  • That great thing you’re doing at your library!

Submit your proposal by Friday, January 14, 2022.

Speakers from libraries serving fewer than 10,000 people will be preferred, but presentations from libraries with larger service populations will be considered.

Big Talk From Small Libraries 2022 will be held on Friday, February 25, 2022 between 8:45 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CT) via the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Speakers will present their programs from their own desktops. The schedule will accommodate speakers’ time-zones.

This conference is organized and hosted by the Nebraska Library Commission and is co-sponsored by the Association for Rural & Small Libraries.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

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Continuing Education & Training Grants: Applications Open!

This year we are offering grants in three different areas: taking an online course, attending an out-of-state professional conference, and other larger continuing education projects for library staff or library board members.

Continuing Education and Training Grants 2022:

Details and Applications

The purpose of these grants is to assist Nebraska libraries to improve the library services provided to their communities through continuing education and training for their library personnel and supporters. Successful applications will show how the continuing education and/or training proposed will support the library’s mission.

Applications and support forms are due January 14, 2022.

Recipients will be notified by February 4, 2022.

For more details about this and other NLC grants, the NCompass Live archived session “NLC Grants for 2022” is also available.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Holli Duggan

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Over $11.2 Million in First Emergency Connectivity Funding Wave Awarded to Nebraska Schools and Libraries

Today, the FCC announced that the first Wave of funding commitments for the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program have been released. This first Wave includes $11,292,769.36 in funding commitments for 51 Nebraska school and library applicants.

Congratulations to all Nebraska schools and libraries who have been funded!

If you haven’t received your ECF Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) yet, don’t panic! There are more Waves to come as USAC processes more applications.

As soon as you do receive your ECF FCDL, you should also view the e-learning modules, live trainings, recordings of past trainings and webinars, and register for USAC’s weekly office hour sessions at

To stay informed about the ECF program, sign up for the weekly ECF Newsletters, and read the previous newsletters, at

From the FCC Press Release:

Second Filing Window Set for September 28 to October 13 Providing Funding for Eligible Equipment and Services Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022:

WASHINGTON, September 24, 2021—The Federal Communications Commission today announced that it is committing $1,203,107,496.88 for 3,040 schools, 260 libraries, and 24 consortia that applied for support from the $7.17 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund Program. This first wave of funding commitments will provide students, school staff and library patrons in all 50 states and Guam, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia access to the devices and broadband connectivity they need to support their off-campus education needs. The funding will support 3,081,131 devices and 774,115 broadband connections and help connect over 3.6 million students who, according to their schools, would otherwise lack devices, broadband access, or both.

Read the full press release and details about which schools and libraries will receive funding in this first Wave at:

Posted in Broadband Buzz, Grants, Technology, Youth Services | Leave a comment

Apply for a ‘Let’s Talk About It: Women’s Suffrage’ Grant

For more grants like this one, check out the NLC’s Grant Opportunities for Nebraska Libraries.

ALA has announced a new grant for libraries designed to spark conversations about American history and culture through an examination of the women’s suffrage movement.

Through Let’s Talk About It (LTAI): Women’s Suffrage, participants will read a series of books curated by humanities scholars and discuss the people and events from this often under-taught part of U.S. history.

Twenty-five libraries will be selected to receive a $1,000 stipend to support programming costs, ten copies of five themed books, access to programming guides and support materials, virtual training on the LTAI model, a suite of online resources and more.

Applications will be accepted from September 1 to December 1, 2021. Library workers can apply online at

Originally launched by ALA for libraries in 1982, Let’s Talk About It is a reading and discussion program that involves groups of people reading a series of books selected by national project scholars and discussing them in the context of an overarching theme. The format for a Let’s Talk About It program involves a ten-week series. Every two weeks, a discussion group meets with a local humanities scholar to discuss one of the five books in the theme.

The following books have been selected by the LTAI: Women’s Suffrage project scholars:

To qualify for this grant, the applying institution must be a library (public, tribal, school, academic, or special) residing in the U.S. or U.S. territories.

LTAI: Women’s Suffrage is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). To explore resources from past LTAI themes, visit the project website.

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2022 Internship Grants Now Available

Applications for Nebraska Library Commission Internship Grants for 2022 are now available!

Accredited Nebraska public libraries are invited to apply for up to $1,000 to fund a high school or college intern in 2022. Applicants may partner with other types of libraries to provide a variety of work settings – partnerships with other public, school, academic, or special libraries are encouraged.

The deadline to submit an application is November 5, 2021.

This internship program works to introduce high school and college students to the varied and exciting work of Nebraska libraries. The internships are intended to function as a recruitment tool, helping the student to view the library as a viable career opportunity while providing the public library with the finances (up to $1,000 per library or branch) to provide stipends to the student interns. In the past student interns have helped the libraries expand programs, complete projects, improve websites, and expand social media use, while bringing fresh ideas into the library.

To learn more, watch the recording of the NCompass Live webinar, NLC Grants for 2022.

If you have any questions please contact Christa Porter, 800-307-2665, 402-471-3107.

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NCompass Live: NLC Grants for 2022

Do you have a program or project you would like to see funded? Learn how to apply for the ‘NLC Grants for 2022’ on next week’s NCompass Live webinar on Wednesday, September 1 at 10am CT.

The Nebraska Library Commission is making funding available for four grants for 2022: Library Improvement Grants, Youth Grants for Excellence, Internship, and Continuing Education & Training.

Join Christa Porter, Sally Snyder, and Holli Duggan, from the Nebraska Library Commission’s Library Development Team, as they provide an overview of the grants, including new eligibility requirements and grant guidelines, the application process and grant review, timelines and deadlines. They will also share some tips on writing effective grants.

Upcoming NCompass Live shows:

  • Sept. 8 – Manga and Graphic Novels in Your Library
  • Sept. 15 – Library School Now – Library Workers Talk about Their Library Science Coursework
  • Sept. 29 – Pretty Sweet Tech
  • October 6 – The Queer Omaha Archives: The First Five Years

For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.

Posted in Education & Training, Grants, Programming, Youth Services | Tagged | Leave a comment

2022 ARPA Youth Grants for Excellence Now Available

The Nebraska Library Commission (NLC) is pleased to announce the availability of Youth Grants for Excellence to legally-established public libraries, tribal libraries, and institutional libraries in Nebraska, through a competitive grant process. The purpose of the Youth Grants for Excellence is to make funding available specifically for innovative projects for children and young adults in Nebraska communities.

This year’s funding is provided from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), as administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). ARPA is the result of the federal stimulus bill passed by Congress. Nebraska has received a one-time award of $2,422,166. A portion of that amount will be available via these competitive grants.

Some of the usual rules and requirements for Youth Grants for Excellence will be suspended for this year only:

  • No local match is required.
  • All legally established public libraries are eligible, both accredited and unaccredited, as well as tribal libraries and State run institutions.
  • Libraries will be able to use the grant funds for improving their collection (buy any books you feel you need), and to purchase AWE workstations or an equivalent item, Playaway Launchpad, computers, and furniture for the children’s or teen areas.

Online applications will be accepted through 11:59 PM (CT) on October 7, 2021 and recipients will be notified of funding by October 29, 2021.

Visit the grant webpage for the full grant details and the online application form.

And to learn more, sign up for the September 1 NCompass Live webinar, NLC Grants for 2022.

Posted in Grants, Information Resources, Library Management, Preservation, Programming, Technology, Youth Services | Leave a comment