Nebraska Library Association Scholarship Applications Due April 15

The Nebraska Library Association is currently accepting applications for two scholarships, Louise A. Nixon ($1,000) and Duane Munson ($250). Applications are due April 15, 2014.

Louise A. Nixon Scholarship
The Louise A. Nixon Scholarship Fund was established to support students who pursue graduate level library education. Full-time and part-time students are eligible for this scholarship. Applicants must meet certain Nebraska Library Association guidelines.

Duane Munson Scholarship
The Duane Munson Scholarship was established to help practicing librarians and paraprofessionals gain additional library-related education and training. Full-time and part-time employees are eligible for this scholarship. Applicants must meet certain Nebraska Library Association guidelines.

Application guidelines and a link to the form are available at

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Recently on the NCompass Podcast

Have you listened the NCompass Podcast lately? Here are the episodes from February 2014. To get all of the episodes delivered to you automatically be sure to subscribe via RSS or iTunes.



Episode 270: Where in the world…? Nebraska’s Polley Music Library and the World of Music Librarianship

Episode 271: Succession Planning with Jamie LaRue: A Board and Staff Responsibility

Episode 272: Hastings Public Library Kicking Technology in the #glass

Episode 273: Tech Talk with Michael Sauers: The Quantified Self

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New Memories

Have you visited Nebraska Memories recently? Check it out–we not only have a new look but three new collections, too!

Omaha Public Schools contributed a number of historical photographs of schools (inside and out) and pupils. Garden County Historical Society contributed a manuscript of “Recollections,” a collation of newspaper articles which detailed the history of businesses, people and events of Oshkosh and the county. And Rock County Public Library’s audio interviews conducted in 1982 with nine of the county’s long-time residents will be available early next week.

The software used to host Nebraska Memories, CONTENTdm®, has been updated with a number of new features, including:

  • You can now search within a collection or narrow search results by collection, subject, creator, type, date or search term.
  • The Zoom feature now allows a much closer look at details in any image.
  • Audio files now play from within the item record.
  • For postcards that have a transcript, the front and back of the postcard can be viewed side-by-side or the text can be viewed side-by-side with the writing on the postcard. The text may also be searched. Try it out with this postcard: Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. (Omaha Public Library collection)
  • For documents in PDF with transcripts, the text can be searched and the image of the page can be viewed side-by-side with the text.

Commission staff created predefined searches for topics unique within most of the individual collections. We also, under Browse, added ten new topic groups to provide access to items of interest across the all the collections, including Famous Nebraskans, Interiors  and Medical.

Visit Nebraska Memories to search for or browse through many more historical images digitized from photographs, negatives, postcards, maps, lantern slides, books and other materials.

Nebraska Memories is a cooperative project to digitize Nebraska-related historical and cultural heritage materials and make them available to researchers of all ages via the Internet. Nebraska Memories is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see for more information, or contact Beth Goble, Historical Services Librarian, or Devra Dragos, Technology & Access Services Director.

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NCompass Live: Migrating To A New ILS

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Join us for the next NCompass Live: “Migrating To A New ILS”, on Wednesday, March 5, 10:00-11:00 am Central Time.

Your library’s out-of-date ILS is running on an old server that needs to be retired. You need to upgrade the ILS, but you don’t know where to start. Let me show you how to plan and execute this migration successfully based on how my library did it and the assistance I have provided to numerous other small libraries during their ILS migrations. I will cover the Selection, Preparation, Migration and Follow-up that has proven to be successful for my library and many others when migrating to a new ILS.

Presenter: Andrew Sherman, IT Coordinator, Sump Memorial Library, Papillion, NE.

Upcoming NCompass Live events:

  • March 12 – Password Management & Security
  • March 19 – Book Club Kit Reviews
  • March 26 – Tech Talk with Michael Sauers

For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.

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Big Talk From Small Libraries is tomorrow!

Small libraries! Awesome ideas! FREE!

Join us tomorrow for the Big Talk From Small Libraries 2014 online conference. Pre-registration is no longer required – the login instructions have been posted to the website so that anyone who wants to attend can log in on the fly.BTSL

This free one-day online conference is aimed at librarians from small libraries, but regardless of how big or small your library is, you are welcome and encouraged to come hear the great things that small libraries are doing.

We have a great agenda for the day, with seven 50 minute sessions plus five 10 minute lightning round sessions. You can log in and out of the conference as you like throughout the day, based on your interest and availability.

And, you can earn 1 hour of CE Credit for each hour of the conference you attend.

So, come join us for a day of big ideas from small libraries!

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500 Libraries Coast-to-Cost to provide Financial Literacy Programming During Money Smart Week @ your library®, April 20-27

Five hundred libraries, of all types, will be helping their communities become money smart, April 5-12. Money Smart Week @ your library® is a partnership initiative between the American Library Association and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to expand Money Smart Week® to libraries across the country. Nebraska libraries are invited to join them in presenting programs related to personal financial literacy for all ages, and all stages, of life. Libraries are partnering with community groups, financial institutions, government agencies, educational organizations, and other financial experts to help library customers learn to better manage their personal finances. General topic areas range from “Credit and Debt Management,” to “Kid’s and Money,” to “Retirement Planning,” to “Savvy Shopping and Bargain Hunting.”

Volusia County Library System’s Ormond Beach branch will present “Dressing On A Dime—shopping tips from the second hand clothing world—learn how recycling & repurposing thrift store fashions can save money.” Marshall Public Library in Pocatello (ID) has teamed up with the police department to present “Scams, Cons, and Frauds: How to Protect Yourself and Your Money,” with the Pocatello Police Department offering instruction to older library customers on how to protect themselves from financial scams and frauds. Bristol Public Library (CT) is planning a session on “Taking Control: A Financial Planning Starter Kit” to help library customers learn the eight steps for taking control of their finances through budgeting, spending plans, setting goals, managing debt, and more. The Iberia Parish workshop, “Home Buying and Financing 101: What Inside Tips You Need To Know,” will bring library customers together with area experts in real estate to discuss different types of loans and lender advantages. Floyd J. Robinson Memorial Library in Raleigh (MS) will host “Helping Your Money Last in Retirement,” a workshop on ways to make money last in retirement and the challenges ahead for retirees. The Chester Fritz Library at the University of North Dakota is hosting a program for faculty, students, and staff on “Money Smart–Understanding Credit Scores and Cash Tiers.” For some communities, offering programs in languages other than English is important. Kern County Library (CA) has a session on “Curso Bancario Basico,” and Pima County Library (AZ) will be providing homebuyer education with “Aprende el Proceso de Comprar Casa.”

Money Smart Week @ your library® information and resources for Nebraska libraries can be found at Money Smart Week® or contact:

Michael Dowling,
International and Chapter Relations Offices
American Library Association
50 E Huron St
Chicago, IL, USA
p +1 800-545-2433 ext. 3200
f  +1 312-280-4392

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Nebraska Librarians Encouraged to help Library Customers Access Financial Aid Toolkit

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid recently launched a new website called the Financial Aid Toolkit :A One-Stop Shop for Financial Aid Resources

Who is the Financial Aid Toolkit for?

The toolkit is for

  • librarians;
  • staff or volunteers at community based organizations;
  • guidance counselors;
  • college access advisers; and
  • anyone who assists students through the process of learning about, receiving, and repaying financial aid for their higher education.

What information is in the Financial Aid Toolkit?

The toolkit consolidates financial aid resources into a searchable online library, making it easy for users to quickly access the information they need to support their students. The searchable library provides resources covering the entire financial aid lifecycle from applying for financial aid to repaying loans and includes items such as

  • “financial aid night” materials and presentations,
  • brochures,
  • videos, and
  • sample tweets and Facebook posts.

The toolkit also offers professional development information such as training opportunities and resources for self-instruction.

Where can a student find other financial aid resources?

Students should visit for financial aid information and can find a library of resources designed for them at

How can library or museum professionals spread the word to colleagues about the toolkit?

You can share information about the site by distributing the Financial Aid Toolkit fact sheet.

– See more at:

Please comment below to share information about whether you are seeing more students and their families seeking financial aid information in your library.

From: James Lonergan, Senior Library Program Officer, IMLS

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E-rate: Form 470 Deadline and Online Training Archives

Just a reminder …. Wednesday, February 26 is the deadline to post the first form in the E-rate process, Form 470, to the USAC website for the upcoming 2014 Funding Year.

The filing window for submitting the second form in the process, Form 471, opened at noon EST on Thursday, January 9, 2014, and will close at 11:59 PM EDT on Wednesday, March 26, 2014. This makes February 26, 2014 the last possible date to post a Form 470 on USAC’s website, meet the 28-day posting requirement for the competitive bidding process, and submit a Form 471 by the filing window closing date.

So, do you need help completing your forms? Do you have questions about E-rate?

You’re in luck! Recorded webinars, demos, and training materials are available on the NLC E-rate webpage.

If you have any questions or need any assistance with your E-rate forms, please contact Christa Burns, 800-307-2665, 402-471-3107.

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NCompass Live: Tech Talk with Michael Sauers: The Quantified Self

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Join us for the next NCompass Live: “Tech Talk with Michael Sauers: The Quantified Self”, on Wednesday, February 26, 10:00-11:00 am Central Time.

In this episode, Michael talks with Gary Wolf, founder of the Quantified Self, who will discuss how new self-tracking and personal data systems may change our ideas about “public knowledge.”

In this monthly feature of NCompass Live, the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Michael Sauers, will discuss the tech news of the month and share new and exciting tech for your library. There will also be plenty of time in each episode for you to ask your tech questions. So, bring your questions with you, or send them in ahead of time, and Michael will have your answers.

Upcoming NCompass Live events:

  • March 5 – Migrating To A New ILS
  • March 12 – Password Management & Security
  • March 19 – Book Club Kit Reviews

For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.

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Nebraska Libraries: What are you doing for National Library Week, April 13-19

The Campaign for America’s Libraries would like to hear about any plans your library is making for National Library Week 2014 around the theme Lives change @ your library. Nebraska libraries are asked to email their National Library Week plans to to be shared on the National Library Week tools page. In addition to these tools, a downloadable PSA featuring author and intellectual freedom advocate Judy Blume as the Honorary Chair of National Library Week is also available. Instructions on how to request a customized PSA are also available on the website. See this press release for details. Please be sure to share any ideas about ways to enhance this year’s collaborative social media efforts.

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NCompass Live: Hastings Public Library Kicking Technology in the #glass

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Join us for the next NCompass Live: “Hastings Public Library Kicking Technology in the #glass”, on Wednesday, February 19, 10:00-11:00 am Central Time.

Spend the morning with Librarian Jake Rundle, from Hastings (NE) Public Library, as he talks about debuting a brand new technology onto an unsuspecting city. Learn about what Google Glass is capable of doing, see some of the videos and pictures the Library has already captured, and perhaps experience a LIVE Google+ hangout in the process.

Upcoming NCompass Live events:

  • Feb. 26 – Tech Talk with Michael Sauers: The Quantified Self
  • March 5 – Migrating To A New ILS
  • March 12 – Password Management & Security
  • March 19 – Book Club Kit Reviews

For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.

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Valentine’s Day Treats

It’s Valentine’s Day, a day devoted to the celebration of love. Each year on February 14th, many people exchange flowers, candy, or other gifts with the special people in their lives. Go on a shopping spree in Nebraska Memories and explore some of the establishments where these gifts could be purchased through the years.Rosewell 3

Flowers are a very traditional Valentine’s Day gift. If your significant other lives close to you, you can stop by a local florist, such as the Rosewell Floral Company in Lincoln, to make your purchase. If you are far away from your sweetheart, companies such as FTD can handle long distance deliveries. This photograph of the Wilson Flower Shop in David City shows the FTD logo on their delivery truck.

Candy is another popular choice as a gift for a loved one. A sign in this Omaha candy shop promised quick service; perhaps it was a good place to pick up a last minute gift. The boxed chocolates Window display of candy 4advertised in the window of this store were probably a good choice on Valentine’s Days past.

Giving a gift of jewelry is another way to celebrate the day. This photograph of the interior of a David City jewelry store shows customers browsing at the counter. Borsheim’s jewelry store, shown here at its original location on 16th and Harney Streets in Omaha, surely sold many borsheim 3Valentine’s Day gifts through the years.

Visit Nebraska Memories to search for or browse through many more historical images digitized from photographs, negatives, postcards, maps, lantern slides, books and other materials.

Nebraska Memories is a cooperative project to digitize Nebraska-related historical and cultural heritage materials and make them available to researchers of all ages via the Internet. Nebraska Memories is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see for more information, or contact Beth Goble, Historical Services Librarian, or Devra Dragos, Technology & Access Services Director.

Posted in Nebraska Memories | 2 Comments

Nebraska Library Foundations Invited to Participate in New Discussion List

Library Foundation staff, board members, volunteers, etc. are invited to participate in the United for Libraries electronic discussion group focused on topics of interest to library Foundations. To join the electronic discussion group, visit Both those with expertise in library Foundations as well as those in the beginning stages of creating a Foundation are encouraged to participate in the free form discussion. Discussion topics might include fundraising, event planning, capital campaigns, planned giving, effective meetings, board recruitment, etc. Among the United for Libraries board members offering their expertise on the discussion group are Jeffrey Smith, president of the Foundation for Baltimore County (Md.) Public Library.

Like United for Libraries on Facebook:

Follow United for Libraries on Twitter:

Manage your electronic discussion group subscription at

Contact: Jillian Kalonick, Marketing/Public Relations Specialist, United for Libraries, A division of the American Library Association,, 109 S. 13th St., Suite 117B, Philadelphia, PA 19107, (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161, fax (215) 545-3821,


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There’s Still Time to Apply for a 21st Century Librarian Scholarship

The Nebraska Library Commission is accepting online applications for its 21st Century Librarian Scholarship program through March 3, 2014( These scholarships are for students pursuing a degree or certificate in Library and Information Science at the Associate’s and Bachelor’s levels. Legal residents of the state of Nebraska are eligible to apply. Transcripts (as required) are due February 18, 2014; and letters of recommendation, if mailed, are due February 18, 2014. Scholarships of up to $3,500 will be awarded, depending on the degree or certificate the applicant is pursuing and the applicant’s course plan.

Scholarships may be used for tuition (for coursework contributing toward a certificate or degree, including general education classes), course-required materials, and school-assessed fees at the following levels:

  • Library and Information Science (LIS) Professional Certificate
  • Associate of Arts or Science Degree in Library and Information Science (LIS)
  • Bachelor of Arts or Science Degree/Endorsement with a major in Library and Information Science or Library Media
Monica Tidyman (r.) had the opportunity to complete her practicum at Hastings Public Library, where Dana Still (l.) works.
Scholarship students meet up: Monica Tidyman (r.) had the opportunity to complete her practicum at Hastings Public Library, where Dana Still (l.) works.

Scholarship recipients will be eligible to apply for stipends for such things as laptop or tablet computers, Nebraska Library Digital Literacy Coaching Corps, professional association dues, and regional or national conference attendance.

The scholarships, stipends, and value-added training are offered through the Nebraska Library Commission’s Cultivating Rural Librarians’ 21st Century Skills program, which is funded through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. For more information, contact Kathryn Brockmeier, Grant Program Manager, by e-mail or by phone, 402-471-4002 or 800-307-2665.

NOTE: Due to the significant number of applications for the Nebraska Library Commission master’s-level scholarships (funded through the Librarians for the 21st Century Program of the Institute of Museum and Library Services), as of July 1, 2012, graduate-level scholarships will no longer be available. Scholarships DO continue to be available for undergraduate Library Science studies, including LIS certificates, and Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute’s mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development. To learn more about the Institute, please visit

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ALA launches free e-government webinar series

Home      The American Library Association (ALA) and the Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC) at the University of Maryland at College Park are pleased to announce the re-launch of Lib2Gov, an online e-government resource for librarians. Over the past few months, both organizations have worked to transition LibEGov—a project supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through a National Leadership Grant—into Lib2Gov.

The redesigned website Lib2Gov allows libraries and government agencies to come together and collaborate, share resources and build a community of practice. Lib2Gov now provides a dedicated space where librarians can share materials, lesson plans, tutorials, stories, and other e-government content. The website offers a variety of resources from government agencies and organizations, including information on immigration, taxation, social security and healthcare.

In a few weeks, both organizations will host a new monthly webinar series, “E-government @ Your Library.” The webinars will explore a variety of e-government topics that will be of interest to librarians, including mobile government and emergency preparedness, response and recovery. All webinars are free and will be archived on the Lib2Gov site. The webinar schedule for Winter/Spring 2014:

Webinar 1: E-government @ Your Library (Wednesday, February 26, 2014, at 2 p.m. EST)
This webinar offers general insights into how libraries can help meet the e-government needs of their communities in general and through the Lib2Gov web resource. Register now.


  • John Bertot, Ph.D., co-director, Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC), and professor, in University of Maryland College Park’s iSchool
  • Ursula Gorham, graduate research associate, iPAC and doctoral candidate, University of Maryland College Park iSchool
  • Jessica McGilvray, assistant director, Office of Government Relations at the American Library Association’s Washington, D.C. office

Webinar 2: Government Information Expertise Online: Beyond the First Century of Federal Depository Library Program Practice (Thursday, March 27, 2014, at 3 p.m. EST)
This webinar will offer insights and techniques in how practicing government information professionals can use the strengths and opportunities of the depository library experience in several promising areas of digital reference, government information discovery tools and deliberative outreach to your community. Register now.


  • Cynthia Etkin, senior program planning specialist, Office of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO)
  • John A. Shuler, associate professor, University of Illinois, Chicago University Library

Webinar 3: An Introduction to Mobile Government Apps for Librarians (Wednesday, April 30, 2014, at 2 p.m. EST)
The webinar will cover how librarians can teach patrons to use mobile devices, provide links on our webpages to government apps, and create apps for their own e-government websites. Register now.


  • Isabelle Fetherston, teen librarian, Pasco County Library System
  • Nancy Fredericks, member, Pasco County Library System Library Leadership Team

Webinar 4: Roles for Libraries and Librarians in Disasters (Thursday, May 15, 2014, at 2 p.m. EST)
This webinar presents information on libraries’ and librarians’ roles supporting their communities and the disaster workforce before, during, and after hazardous events and disasters. Register now.


  • Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, librarian, U.S. National Library of Medicine Disaster Information Management Research Center
  • Cindy Love, librarian, U.S. National Library of Medicine Disaster Information Management Research Center
  • Elizabeth Norton, librarian, U.S. National Library of Medicine Disaster Information Management Research Center

Webinar 5: Beta.Congress.Gov (Thursday, June 12, 2014, at 2 p.m. EST)

Sign-up information, as well as more information about webinar topics and speakers, is available. Please contact Jessica McGilvray ( or John Bertot ( with questions about Lib2Gov or the webinar series.

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Free Webinar to Help Nebraska Librarians Celebrate Preservation Week, April 27 – May 3

Preservation Week is April 27 – May 3, 2014. The Preservation Week website is here to help Nebraska librarians to host a Preservation Week celebration. Join Donia Conn for tips on how to host an event, find a speaker, and use the Preservation Week web site to its fullest. Upon completion of this webinar, you will be able to confidently navigate the Preservation Week web site to assist in planning and hosting a Preservation Week event.

Any librarian thinking about planning a Preservation Week event or those already working on one should plan on attending. Join your colleagues for this free webinar at 1:00 p.m. Central/Noon Mountain on Wednesday, Feb. 12.

“Hosting a Preservation Week® Event” is a free webinar from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) and is generously supported by Acme-HF Group and George Blood, L.P. celebrating Preservation Week.

Donia Conn is an independent consultant for small and mid-sized cultural heritage institutions. She has worked in the fields of conservation and preservation for almost 20 years, specializing in book conservation and preservation training. She presents workshops and webinars on preservation and digitization topics, consults with institutions on disaster planning and preservation issues and is adjunct faculty for the Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science teaching Preservation Management and Collections Maintenance. She has been one of the people working on developing Preservation Week since 2009.  She is also the host of “Dear Donia,” a feature of Preservation Week.

To register go to GOTOWEBINAR :

For questions or comments related to this free webinar, contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Events Manager at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5034 or

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Nebraska Libraries to Celebrate National Library Week April 13-19, 2014

Judy Blume has been named the 2014 Honorary Chair of National Library Week (April 13-19, 2014). This year, National Library Week will be celebrated with the theme Lives change @ your library. As Honorary Chair, Blume will appear in print public service announcements (PSAs) promoting National Library Week. The PSAs, developed by the American Library Association’s Campaign for America’s Libraries, will be placed in magazines and online throughout the spring. ALA will also offer free customization of the PSAs for libraries. Visit to learn more.

Adults as well as children will recognize such Judy Blume titles as: Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret; Blubber; Just as Long as We’re Together; and the five book series about the irrepressible Fudge. She has also written three novels for adults, Summer Sisters, Smart Women and Wifey, all of them New York Times best-sellers. More than 80 million copies of her books have been sold, and her work has been translated into thirty-one languages.

Blume is a longtime advocate of intellectual freedom. Finding herself at the center of an organized book banning campaign in the 1980’s she began to reach out to other writers, as well as teachers and librarians, who were under fire. Since then, she has worked tirelessly with the National Coalition Against Censorship and the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom to protect the freedom to read. She is the editor of “Places I Never Meant To Be: Original Stories by Censored Writers,” and is currently writing a novel.

Additional promotional materials include a sample op-ed, proclamation, press release and scripts for use in radio ads. All incorporate the 2014 National Library Week theme, Lives change @ your library. Tools are available at ALA Graphics products supporting National Library Week are also available and can be purchased through the ALA Store.

National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation’s libraries and librarians and to promote library use.

The American Library Association’s Campaign for America’s Libraries ( is a public awareness campaign that promotes the value of libraries and librarians. Thousands of libraries of all types – across the country and around the globe – participate. The Campaign is made possible by ALA’s Library Champions.

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NCompass Live: Succession Planning with Jamie LaRue: a Board and Staff Responsibility

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Join us for the next NCompass Live: “Succession Planning with Jamie LaRue: a Board and Staff Responsibility”, on Wednesday, February 12, 10:00-11:00 am Central Time.

Succession planning is NOT anointing the heir apparent, and taking action only when the director retires. It starts long before that. This talk focuses on a new way to think about board planning, administrative goals, and who to hire at all levels of the organization.

Presenter: James LaRue, CEO, LaRue and Associates Consulting.

Jamie LaRue has appeared on NPR, been quoted and highlighted in Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the Denver Post, and has hosted a local author interview TV program. A newspaper columnist for over two decades, he also wrote “The New Inquisition: Understanding and Managing Intellectual Freedom Challenges” (Libraries Unlimited, larue_01_4x6_color2007). A frequent presenter for library associations, regional workshops, and library staff days, Jamie has also served as a facilitator, last-minute panelist, moderator, and master of ceremonies for everything from debates to awards dinners. From 1990 to 2014, he was director of the Douglas County (Colorado) Libraries, widely known as one of the most successful and innovative public libraries in the nation. He was the Colorado Librarian of the Year in 1998, the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce’s 2003 Business Person of the Year, in 2007 won the Julie J. Boucher (boo-SHAY) Award for Intellectual Freedom, and in 2013 won the Colorado Association of Libraries’ Career Achievement Award. At the end of 2013, the Board of Trustees named a library after him in Highlands Ranch, CO – the James H. LaRue Library. In 2014, he embarked on a career of writing, speaking, teaching, and consulting.

Upcoming NCompass Live events:

  • Feb. 19 – Hastings Public Library Kicking Technology in the #glass
  • Feb. 26 – Tech Talk with Michael Sauers
  • March 5 – Migrating To A New ILS
  • March 12 – Password Management & Security

For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.

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New Faces: Donna Christiansen

In this series, New Faces, the Nebraska Library Commission interviews someone from the next generation of Nebraska librarians.

Today we are speaking with Donna Christiansen, Director at the Plainview Carnegie Library in Plainview, Nebraska. Donna received her certificate in Library and Information Services program from Central Community College in December 2012. She is a 2011-2013 Nebraska Library Commission / Institute of Museum and Library Services Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian scholarship recipient.

NLC: How is it you went to library school?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I started as a children’s librarian and found out about the Nebraska Library Commission and the Scholarship program to get a library certificate. I thought this would be good to get since I wanted to improve my knowledge of librarianship and of course become a Library Director someday.

NLC: Did you receive a scholarship from the Nebraska Library Commission? How did it help you with getting an education and in your career aspirations?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: Yes, I received a scholarship from the NLC. It helped me tremendously; without it I probably wouldn’t have been able to get my Library Certificate. Especially with the extra help of providing me a new laptop and the ability to attend a national conference. With the new laptop I was able to do my online classes and attending the national conference helped me network with other library students and librarians.

NLC: What brought you to the world of library work?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I enjoyed being a library aide in high school and I love to read and help people with computer issues. I started as the Children’s Librarian at the Plainview Carnegie Library in February of 2011. Then in September 2011 the Library Director retired so I was able to apply for the Library Director position and in October I became the Director.

NLC: What’s the most useful non-library work experience you bring to a library job?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: For a couple of years I had my own business, so I guess my business experience of handling money, etc., is what I bring to the library job.

NLC: What do you find most rewarding in your library job?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I find helping patrons very rewarding. Whether it is helping them find a book, helping them with the computer, or watching the story time children do their craft projects to see them smile and having fun is very rewarding.

NLC: What do you find most challenging in your library job?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: Having all the books that people want to read. But thankfully there is the Interlibrary Loan program so it is easy to locate a book for a patron if we don’t have it.

NLC: How would you like to make a difference in the lives of library users or in the community your library serves?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I would like to make the library be the center of the community, where the citizens can come and relax, read a magazine, check out a book, check their e-mail and use the computer, just be there for the citizens to use.

NLC: What does the future hold for libraries?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I believe that libraries are more than just books and magazines. The future will be to let everyone know that the library offers more than what they believe a library is or was. We offer programs, computers, wireless Internet, and much more that we really have to promote that the library is much more than books and magazines.

NLC: What does the future hold for librarians?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I believe that librarians are going to have to embrace the new technology that is out there and to think outside of the box to keep the library in the forefront of the community it serves.

NLC: What are you reading right now? What are your hobbies?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I am reading an eBook, No Return by Brett Battles. My hobbies are reading, bird watching, fishing, collecting rocks and minerals.

NLC: Who is your role model?

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: I would say my library role model would be the former Plainview Library Director, Loydell Swan.  She gave 27 years to the library so I learned a lot working with her before she retired.

NLC: Please share a favorite quote, and why it’s your favorite.

DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: “A well-stocked, well-staffed library is like a gardener who plants books, knowledge, and dreams and grows readers, learners, and do-ers,” by Laura Purdie Salas.  I just believe that this quote says what I believe a library is.

The New Faces feature is made possible by a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian grant to the Nebraska Library Commission from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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FCC Chairman Speaks at Library of Congress

DigLearningDay300pxYesterday, February 5, 2014, was National Digital Learning Day, which included an event at the Library of Congress. You will be interested in comments about libraries made by Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Here are some excerpts from his speech.

“During my tenure as Chairman of the FCC there may be no bigger and more significant issue than making sure our schools and libraries are connected to high-speed broadband networks. That is why E-Rate modernization is at the top of my agenda and why I support President Obama’s goal of connecting 99 percent of all students to high-speed broadband capacity in five years – or faster.”

“While we talk a lot about the connected school, we cannot overemphasize the crucial role of the connected library. Public libraries have been part of the fabric of America since our country’s founding. Thomas Jefferson, whose personal library was the founding collection of this great institution, described a library as, “a delivery room for the birth of ideas.” Today libraries are also something Mr. Jefferson could never have imagined: the community on-ramp to the world of information (although perhaps I misspeak, he was after all Thomas Jefferson!).

In community after community the library is the only place where students can go after school for free Internet access to complete their assignments. Research has found that a majority of American school children go to the public library to do school work. And for many of those students, it is the only link to the Net outside of school. That is really important when over 75% of K-12 teachers are assigning Internet-required homework. And during the summer, libraries are the only place for many students to go to continue their online exploration and learning. Libraries are also the only place where tens of millions of adult Americans can get access to the Internet for information on jobs, health care and government services.

The E-Rate is a program for schools and libraries. Or, let me put it another way: libraries and schools.”

You can read his complete presentation at

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