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Tag Archives: National Book Festival
#BookFaceFriday “A Lincoln Dialogue”
This week’s #BookFace is monumental!
Nebraska #BookFace goes national! We decided to take advantage of our location this week while we represent Nebraska at the National Book Festival. We just couldn’t pass up the opportunity “A Lincoln Dialogue” by James A, Rawley (University of Nebraska Press, 2014) offered us up this week’s #BookFaceFriday! Described as a “wider conversation about Lincoln’s words,” this title is published by the University of Nebraska Press, which we collect from for our state document program. As part of our permanent collection it’s available for check out to anyone. Just ask our amazing Information Services staff!
“[A Lincoln Dialogue] is a unique look at Abraham Lincoln’s presidency.”—James E. Potter, Nebraska History
James A. Rawley (1916–2005) was the Carol Adolph Happold Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. His many books include The Transatlantic Slave Trade: A History, revised edition (Nebraska, 2009), and Abraham Lincoln and a Nation Worth Fighting For (Nebraska, 2003). William G. Thomas is the John and Catherine Angle Chair in the Humanities and a professor of history at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is the author of several books, including The Iron Way: Railroads, the Civil War, and the Making of Modern America.
If you happen to be in D.C. tomorrow come visit us at the Nebraska table in the Parade of the States! Learn about each state’s literary heritage with the “Discover Great Places Through Reading” map for kids. The map encourages children to visit all 52 state tables to get a unique sticker or stamp. Nebraska Book Award winning author and illustrator, Paula Wallace, will be signing her book “Choose Your Days” at our table through out the day! The National Book Festival also boasts amazing authors, illustrators and poets with presentations dedicated to kids, fiction, history, biography, poetry, graphic novels, and more. #NatBookFest
‘Choose Your Days’ by Paula Wallace to Represent Nebraska at National Book Festival
A children’s picture book that encourages us all to remember that we hold the key to our days will represent Nebraska at the 2018 National Book Festival. The Nebraska Center for the Book selected Choose Your Days by Paula Wallace (Cinco Puntos Press, 2016) as the state’s selection for the National Book Festival’s “Discover Great Places through Reading” brochure and map. Each state selects one book about the state, or by an author from the state, that is a good read for children or young adults. The brochure and map will be distributed at the September 1 Festival in Washington DC and will be featured in the “Great Reads about Great Places” links on the websites of both the national and Nebraska centers for the book.
This book, written and illustrated by Omaha artist Paula Wallace, tells an engaging story of a child learning to live her dreams to the fullest. The bright and whimsical illustrations sweep the reader along through the story and help deliver a powerful message about love and loss. Nebraska’s “Great Reads about Great Places” book is chosen from the previous year’s Nebraska Book Award winners and this book was awarded the 2017 Nebraska Book Award in the Children’s Picture Book category. Entries for the 2018 Nebraska Book Awards will be accepted until June 30—see
The National Book Festival will feature presentations by award-winning authors, poets, and illustrators at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. Festival attendees can meet their favorite authors, get books signed, have photos taken with mascots and storybook characters, and participate in a variety of learning activities. States will staff exhibit booths to promote reading, library programs, and literary events. Find out more about the 2018 National Book Festival (including a list of featured authors) at
The Nebraska Center for the Book is housed at the Nebraska Library Commission and brings together the state’s readers, writers, booksellers, librarians, publishers, printers, educators, and scholars to build the community of the book, supporting programs to celebrate and stimulate public interest in books, reading, and the written word. The Nebraska Center for the Book is supported by the Nebraska Library Commission.
As the state library agency, the Nebraska Library Commission is an advocate for the library and information needs of all Nebraskans. The mission of the Library Commission is statewide promotion, development, and coordination of library and information services, bringing together people and information.
The most up-to-date news releases from the Nebraska Library Commission are always available on the Library Commission Website,
Posted in General, Nebraska Center for the Book
Tagged National Book Festival, Nebraska Book Awards
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