Tuesday, March 28 is the deadline to submit the second form in the E-rate process, Form 471, for Funding Year 2023. The application filing window for Form 471 opened on January 18.
However, we do not recommend waiting until the last day to submit your Form 471! If there are any issues that day, like the E-rate servers are slowed down because it is the last day to submit, or you can’t submit the form due to reasons on your end, such as illness, weather, power outage, etc., then you could miss the deadline and lose out on E-rate altogether.
So, log into your E-rate Productivity Center (EPC) account and submit your Form 471 as soon as you are allowed!
IMPORTANT: Before you file your Form 471, check your Form 470 Receipt Notification for your Allowable Contract Date – the first date you are allowed to submit your 471. Do not submit your 471 before that date! Remember, after you submit your Form 470, you must wait 28 days to submit your Form 471. You can find your Notification within the EPC portal in your News feed.
Do you need help completing your forms? Do you have questions about E-rate? You’re in luck!
The March 16 E-rate News Brief has last-minute tips and links to instructional videos. USAC also conducted a series of office hour webinars focused on E-Rate topics related to FCC Forms 470 and 471 – you can watch the recordings on the USAC Webinars webpage. To keep up on E-rate news, subscribe to the USAC E-rate News Brief.
USAC has a series of video tutorials on the FCC Form 471 Video Series: https://www.usac.org/e-rate/learn/videos/#FCC-Form-471
And more recorded webinars, demos, and training materials are available on the NLC E-rate webpage.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with your E-rate forms, please contact the State E-rate Coordinator for Public Libraries in Nebraska, Christa Porter, 800-307-2665, 402-471-3107.