The 2019
Public Library Accreditation process opened on July 1.
Sixty-five Nebraska public libraries are due for re-accreditation in 2019. Forty-seven additional public libraries that submitted their annual statistics for the Public Library Survey and the Nebraska Supplemental Survey are also eligible to apply for accreditation. These two groups of libraries have been contacted with details on how to initiate and go through the process.
The purpose of Public Library Accreditation is to encourage excellent library service in Nebraska communities. It is a measure of community pride in the library services it offers to its citizens. Through the questions in the Application Form, libraries are measured against guidelines developed by a task force of professional librarians. The guidelines are community-based, so that each library can determine its own priorities based on local community needs. To help libraries address how the library will serve the unique needs of its own community, libraries applying for accreditation also must submit a
Community Needs Response Plan.

Completed Accreditation Applications and up-to-date Community Needs Response Plans are due October 1. The Applications and Plans will be evaluated together and by December 31 libraries will be informed of their new Accreditation Level: Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Accreditation is valid for three years.
To see the complete list of all accredited Nebraska public libraries, check the
Accreditation Status webpage.
For any questions about Nebraska Public Library Accreditation, contact
Christa Porter, 800-307-2665, 402-471-3107.