Today we’re giving it our best shot at speaking whale… HhhAaapEEE BooookffAaace FrrrriiiidAAaayyy!

While we didn’t see any whales off the coast of Puerto Rico, we did take advantage of the beach for this week’s #BookFaceFriday “
Songs of the Humpback Whale: A Novel in Five Voices” by Jodi Picoult (Washington Square Press, 1992). This familial drama between a disgruntled wife and her renowned oceanographer husband plays out in a cross country road trip. This book is a part of our NLC Book Club Kit collection; get it reserved for your book club today!
“Picoult has become a master almost a clairvoyant — at targeting hot issues and writing highly readable page-turners about them . . . It is impossible not to be held spell bound by the way she forces us to think, hard, about right and wrong.” ―Carolyn See, The Washington Post
Today’s #BookFace model is my very accommodating sister, who stared into the ocean for a good long time so I could get this shot.
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