I need a 100 cc’s of teddy bear stuffing, STAT!

Just kidding. Unlike this week’s
#BookFace author, we didn’t actually need to do any doctoring for this week’s photo. “
Last Night in the OR: A Transplant Surgeon’s Odyssey” by Bud Shaw, MD (Plume, 2015) is the fascinating memoir of retired surgeon, Bud Shaw. It follows his journey in medicine, more specifically, the revolution in the field of liver transplantation. This Nebraska author tells us stories from his days in medical school to opening a world renowned transplant center in Omaha. As a part of our NLC Book Club Kit collection this memoir is a perfect non-fiction choice for your book club’s next read!
“Shaw’s lean prose offers insights into medical professionals’ private perspectives as well as a sobering sense of human fragility and the scientific strides taken to counter it. A bracing, unusual personal narrative that should appeal to aspiring physicians as well as to those considering the “big questions” around high-risk surgery.”—Kirkus
This week’s
#BookFace model is our Computer Services Director, Vern Buis. He may not perform surgery on humans or teddy bears, but he always diagnoses and cures our sick computers.
Love this
#BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/ref/bookclub. Check out our past
#BookFaceFriday photos on the
Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!