Due to staffing issues, next week’s
NCompass Live webinar “If You Build it, Will They Come? Makerspaces Work in Small, Rural Libraries” is being postponed to a later date. The new date has not been selected yet, but as soon as we have a new date, it will be announced and the webinar will be added back to the
NCompass Live schedule.

But, we do have a replacement show on the schedule for next week!
You can register for “Booktalking – Before, During, & After the Pandemic”, to be held on Wednesday, January 19 at 10am CT, at
This is an overview of basic booktalking skills for presentation to small-to-medium groups and/or for providing online content. Virtual programming can include: in-person programs that are streamed, broadcast, or recorded, or a combination of those; audio podcasts; book and media recommendations on a website; using Zoom or other interactive meeting software for book discussions, etc. Emphasis is on how booktalking programs and Readers Advisory resources have been kept viable remotely through use of technology that maintains existing access and also allows increased or new online consumption/attendance/participation and also with safety precautions in place for live events.
Between them, Becky and Scott have more than 80 years of work experience with Lincoln City Libraries. This includes: creating reading lists and book displays; appearing on local radio to give reading recommendations and promote library events and services; presenting live hour-long thematic book talks; recording book recommendation podcasts of various lengths for online access; conducting video-conferencing genre book discussions; and presenting toddler and pre-school storytime in person and via pre-assembled kits. When this presentation was in development, we had no idea the pandemic would still be such a huge consideration for library programming, so we are not fully in the “after” reality, but there is a variety of usable ideas and concepts contained here for vibrant ongoing booktalking.
Presenters: Becky Wurm Clark, Bess Dodson Walt Branch Library, and Scott Clark, Bennett Martin Public Library, Lincoln City Libraries.
NCompass Live shows:
- Jan. 26, 2022 – Pretty Sweet Tech – Web Scraper 101
- Feb. 2, 2022 – Intentional Design: Crafting a Mutually Beneficial Internship Program in a University Archives
For more information, to register for
NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the
NCompass Live webpage.
NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the
Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the
NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.