Hop on the Hogwarts Express! On next week’s FREE NCompass Live webinar we’ll be ‘Escaping Online’ to learn about ‘Virtual Escape Rooms and Other Online Programs’ on Wednesday, April 22 at 10am Central Time.

The current health crisis has caused libraries and schools around the world to shut their doors and turn to virtual programming and learning opportunities online. Libraries and educators have responded with innovative programming that is shared and viewed beyond their own communities. One such program that has
made its rounds has been the Hogwarts Digital Escape Room. Learn about the inspiration, creation, and challenges of this virtual experience from its creator Sydney Krawiec.
Presenter: Sydney Krawiec, Youth Services Librarian,
Peters Township (PA) Public Library.
Upcoming NCompass Live shows:
- April 29 – Pretty Sweet Tech – HTML5 & CSS3: Basic Building Blocks of the Web
- May 20 – Reading for Justice: A Database for YA & Youth Literature
- June 3 – Automating Virtual Student Library Cards
- June 10 – Identity and Impostor Syndrome in Library Makerspaces
For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the
NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the
Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the
NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.