Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s celebrate with a 1907 Thanksgiving #ThrowbackThursday!

Back in 1907, fans and spectators gathered to watch Nebraska State Normal School (NSNS) at Kearney play Doane College in a Thanksgiving day football game. In this 5-1/2″ x 3-1/2″ black and white postcard, we can see the two football teams facing off, a group of spectators standing against a tall wooden plank fence, and in the background, the NSNS Administration Building. Written at the bottom of the card is: “Doan Colage and Kearney State Normal, Thanksgiving ’07 By SD Butcher & Son”.
Interested in Nebraska history? Find out more about this photo in the
Nebraska Memories archive! Photo provided by theĀ
University of Nebraska at Kearney, Archives, Calvin T. Ryan Library located in Nebraska Memories.
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