He looked a malenky bit poogly when he viddied the four of us like that, coming up so quiet and polite and smiling, but he said, ‘Yes? What is it?’ in a very loud teacher-type goloss, as if he was trying to show us he wasn’t poogly. I said:
‘I see you have them books under your arm, brother. It is indeed a rare pleasure these days to come across somebody that still reads, brother.’
I don’t re-read books all that often but this week I’ve stared re-reading Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange. As with many books that have been turned into films, this one yet another that’s been generally overshadowed by Stanley Kubrick’s version. However, I’m rediscovering this wonderful and challenging book because a brand new edition has been recently published by The Folio Society. And, as much as I love the content, this physical book was worth every penny.
First, the binding and new interior artwork are superb, and a joy to hold. (For more on the artwork, see the video below.) Second this edition contains an introduction by novelist Irvine Welsh and a carefully edited text that includes not only the deleted last chapter that was removed from the original US editions, but also a revised text based on Burgess’ manuscript and even a recorded version where the author read it himself. (Back when vinyl albums weren’t just collector’s items.)
In the end, as much as I’m encouraging everyone to read this novel if they haven’t before, especially if the film version is your only experience, I highly recommend this particular edition; a fine addition to any collection.