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EPA Library Closures
Since the FY 2007 budget was passed retaining the drastic (nearly 80%) cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency library network, several regional libraries have closed (Dallas, Chicago, Kansas City, and New York City, which has replaced its Region 2 Library web site with a series of environmental quotations). Others have greatly reduced services to EPA research, regulatory, policy, and enforcement staff (Boston, San Francisco). EPA Headquarters Libraries have closed or are in the process of closing, and nearly all public access to the EPA Libraries has ceased. The EPA plan is to digitize library holdings to provide scientific and public access to the collections. However, many scientists, EPA staff and librarians argue that the EPA library online services are not fully in place and are not adequate to meet the current as well as future demands of users. EPA administrators have been called to testify before Congress, and have promised to consult with Congress and stakeholders before proceeding with dismantlement of its library system.
EPA issued an Interim Library Policy on April 16. According to EPA, draft procedures on library usage statistics and dispersion procedures are being developed with input from EPA library managers. EPA says that external stakeholders, including Cathy Hartmann, a digitization expert from the University of North Texas, will be involved in the process.
How are Nebraska libraries using EPA resources? Have the regional library closures, especially the Region 5 library in Kansas City, affected your library services?
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