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Tag Archives: Teen Books
#BookFaceFriday: NLC Book Drive 2018
Knock! knock! Who’s there! It’s #BookFaceFriday!!
Today is the last day to deliver your donated books! Anyone and everyone is welcome to drop off donated books. We need them by the end of the day TODAY, so we can deliver them to the Salvation Army tonight.
Every year, for the last thirty years, Nebraska Library Commission staff collect new or gently used books for children and teens to be donated to the People’s City Mission and the Salvation Army for their Christmas giveaway for youth in need. The books come from all over. Brought from homes, bought new in stores, or purchased at thrifting excursions, Lincoln City Library’s book sale, or the Scholastic Book Sale.
We snatched this one out of the pile of donated books, “Who’s That Knocking on Christmas Eve?” by Jan Brett (Scholastic, 2003). It’s adorable illustrations and unique folklore made it the perfect #BookFace.
“Kindergarten-Grade 2-In this story based on a traditional Norwegian folktale, a boy traveling from Finnmark to Oslo with his pet polar bear stops by Kyri’s hut on Christmas Eve. The guests help to frighten away the trolls who come to wreak havoc and steal all of the holiday treats. The pleasure here lies mostly in the lush, richly textured illustrations, with Brett’s distinctive borders that incorporate Norwegian folk motifs and trolls romping through skies lit by the Northern lights. Scenery aside, the children are rather one-dimensional, but the bear is handsome and heroic and the trolls satisfyingly ugly and naughty.” -School Library Journal
This week’s #BookFace model is quite the mama bear herself, Mary Geibel is NLC’s Information Services Technician. She was also willing to wear a holiday sweater just for our #BookFace.
Love this #bookface & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
Check out our past #BookFace photos on the Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!
Posted in Books & Reading, General
Tagged book cover, Book Drive, Book Face Friday, bookface, bookfacefriday, Childrens Books, Holidays, Reading, Teen Books
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#BookFaceFriday: NLC Annual Book Drive
We’re on the edge of our seats for NLC’s annual book drive!!
Every year, for the last thirty years, Nebraska Library Commission staff collect new or gently used books for children and teens to be donated to the People’s City Mission and the Salvation Army for their Christmas giveaway for youth in need. The books come from all over. Brought from homes, bought new in stores, or purchased at thrifting excursions, Lincoln City Library’s book sale, or the Scholastic Book Sale.
If you’d like to pitch in, anyone is welcome to drop off donated books. We need them by the end of the day on Dec. 14th, so we can deliver them to the Salvation Army that evening.
We’re having some fun with a few donated books that were just perfect for #BookFaceFriday. Like “Girl, Stolen: A Novel” by April Henry (Henry Holt and Co., 2010). It’s a YA thriller, full of nail-biting suspense.
“Henry spins a captivating tale that shifts between Cheyenne’s and Griffin’s thoughts. Both are well-built, complex characters, trapped in their own ways by life’s circumstances, which–paired with a relentlessly fast pace–ensures a tense read.” ―Publishers Weekly
This week’s #BookFace model is Tan Ngo, NLC’s Accountant for the next few days at least. She’s being stolen away by another state agency, and we can’t believe how much we’re going to miss her!
Love this #bookface & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
Check out our past #BookFace photos on the Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!
Posted in Books & Reading, General
Tagged book cover, Book Drive, Book Face Friday, bookface, bookfacefriday, Childrens Books, Holidays, Reading, Teen Books
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#BookFaceFriday “Promoting Great Reads”
You don’t want to miss this #BookFaceFriday!
#BookFace is all about Teen Reads this week with. “Promoting Great Reads to Improve Teen Reading: Core Connections with Booktalks and More” by Lucy Schall (Libraries Unlimited, 2015). This title is part of our Library Science Collection, it provides professional and reference materials for Nebraska librarians and library science programs! You can check this out yourself by searching the Online Catalog,
This week’s #BookFaceFriday model is Sally Snyder, our Coordinator of Children and Young Adult Library Services! Sally will be presenting ‘Popular Teen Novels: New Books They Need to Read’ at #neblib2018, Saturday, Oct 6th at 9:00 am. Don’t miss it! #2018books4teens (Sponsored by the School, Children, and Young People’s Section) Learn about qualities to look for in books teens are reading, and the titles Nebraska teens are seeking at their libraries. The presenters will discuss new books that are popular with teens in their communities and describe the qualities these titles possess that make them good choices for many libraries. #BookFaceFriday #TeenBooks #Read
Love this #BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at Check out our past #BookFaceFriday photos on the Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!
Posted in Books & Reading, General
Tagged Book Art, Book Covers, bookface, bookfacefriday, books, Childrens Books, neblib2018, Reading, Sally Snyder, Teen Books
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#BookFaceFriday: NLC Annual Book Drive
Get into the holiday giving spirit with NLC’s annual book drive!!
Every year, for the last twenty-nine years, Nebraska Library Commission staff collect new or used books for children and teens to be donated to the Salvation Army for their Christmas giveaway for youth in need.
We had some fun with a few donated books that were just perfect for #BookFaceFriday. Even better they had holiday themes! We just couldn’t resist. One of this week’s #BookFace models is Talking Book & Braille Service Director, Scott Scholz, who luckily for us, wears a stocking cap regularly to work.

“Olive, the Other Reindeer” by Vivian Walsh (Author), J. otto Seibold (Author, Illustrator) (Scholastic Inc, 1998)
We also got a little help from the downtown Lincoln skyline. Maybe if you’re lucky this Christmas eve, you’ll spot Olive pulling Santa’s sleigh.

Inside spread of “Olive, the Other Reindeer” by Vivian Walsh (Author), J. otto Seibold (Author, Illustrator) (Scholastic Inc, 1998)
The books come from all over. Brought from homes, bought new in stores, or purchased at thrifting excursions, Lincoln City Library’s book sale, or the Scholastic Book Sale.
If you’d like to pitch in, anyone is welcome to drop off donated books. We need them by the end of the day on Dec. 14th, so we can deliver them to the Salvation Army on Friday Dec. 15th.
Love this #bookface & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
Check out our past #BookFace photos on the Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!