Author Archives: Andrew Sherman

Microsoft is discontinuing Publisher!

Microsoft announced it is discontinuing Publisher in October 2026! Is anyone still using it? Most all of the libraries I’ve worked at/with use Canva for their flyers and handouts these days. If you own Office Standard, you will be able to continue to use the Publisher app it came with. If you have an Office365 subscription, you will lose access to Publisher.

If you were or are an Office365 Publisher user, Microsoft recommends converting your *.pub files by opening and saving them as Adobe *.pdf files before the October 2026 EOL (End-of-Life). Unfortunately, you will lose the ability to easily edit the converted *.pdf file using this method. I did some experimenting and LibreOffice Draw is a good alternative if you have Office365 and Publisher files you want to continue working with past the Publisher October 2026 EOL.

Andrew “Sherm” Sherman

Library Technology Support Specialist

Posted in Education & Training, General, Library Management, Preservation, Pretty Sweet Tech, Technology | Leave a comment

Microsoft has released Office 2024!

Microsoft released Office 2024 in October! If your library is purchasing Office licenses, make sure you’re getting Office 2024.

For library computers, I recommend Office 2024 Standard. The best price I can currently find for it is $125 at Techsoup. Amazon has it for $150. Techsoup’s $40 license for Computer Lab (for Patron/Public, not Staff) computers is currently out of stock. I’m hoping Techsoup’s $40 Computer Lab license will be available again in 2025. I don’t recommend purchasing Microsoft’s Software Assurance for Office.

Do not purchase Office 365 for use on Patron/Public computers since it requires a Microsoft login for use. Office 365 is an option for computers used by library staff. I recommend Office Standard for all library computers since it can be installed locally on the computers, doesn’t require a Microsoft login to use it once it’s activated, and there are no ongoing annual subscription fees.

If your library can’t or doesn’t want to pay for Microsoft Office, you may want to consider installing the free and open source LibreOffice (formally OpenOffice) software suite.

If you need any assistance with purchasing and/or installing Office, please contact me.

Andrew “Sherm” Sherman
Library Technology Support Specialist
Nebraska Library Commission

Posted in Pretty Sweet Tech, Technology | Leave a comment

DNS filtering solution for Nebraska’s public libraries

The Nebraska Library Commission (NLC) is pleased to announce it is now offering a DNS filtering solution to Nebraska’s public libraries. This solution will provide the Internet filtering technology required for E-Rate CIPA compliance. Even if your library is not utilizing E-Rate, this versatile solution can also provide cybersecurity protection for your library’s computers and customers. The NLC will cover the expense of this service and assist with its implementation.

On July 26th at 10:00am (CDT), Andrew “Sherm” Sherman, will be doing an NCompass Live! Presentation on DNS filtering. You can register for this presentation at:

For questions about this solution and implementing it at your library, please contact:

Andrew “Sherm” Sherman
Library Technology Support Specialist
Nebraska Library Commission

Posted in Broadband Buzz, Pretty Sweet Tech, Technology | Leave a comment