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Celebrate National Poetry Month with Free Poetry
CHICAGO — The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is pleased to announce a giveaway of Poetry in celebration of National Poetry Month. A limited number of free copies of the April 2011 issue of Poetry magazine will be available to book clubs and reading groups that request them by February 20. Issues will ship in late March, and reading groups will receive their copies for consideration during National Poetry Month. Reading communities will be able to discuss thought-provoking Poetry content—both commentary and poems—or simply read the issue aloud.
Participants in past giveaways have appreciated more poetry as a result of sharing the magazine with their reading groups. As one of last year’s participants reported, “People . . . understood and liked more poems in the issue than they originally did before we met. If people could meet, read, and discuss poems together, they would read and enjoy more poetry.”
Other participants have appreciated the benefits of sharing poetry together so much that they have created new discussion groups wholly dedicated to the genre. A member of one such group wrote to Poetry’s editors: “This was a beautiful issue. An unexpected outcome—some of us have decided to spearhead a regular poetry reading group!”
Requests, including only one mailing address per reading group, will be accepted online. Because of the cost of shipping and handling, each group is limited to 10 free copies. In return, the magazine asks for a brief account of your group’s experience.
For more information, contact:
Poetry Foundation
444 North Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60611
Media Contact: Stephanie Hlywak