There’s a program that could give your business a
big jump in snagging federal government contracts — and the SBA can help you take advantage of it.
Why would you want to sell your great products and services to the biggest buyer in the entire world? Here’s eight reasons why getting certified as an 8(a) small business could mean big business.
- The federal government buys everything, from janitorial services to logistics support and everything in between, to the tune of more than $500 billion a year (that’s billion with a B)
- Did you know contracting agencies are required to set aside a certain percentage of all contracts to small businesses, including those with special socio-economic certifications? That gives you the chance to compete with larger contracting firms on a more equal basis.
- If you qualify, you can bid for sole-source contracts up to $4 million for your goods and services, and up to $6.5 million in contracts if you’re a manufacturer.
- You can team up with another business as a joint venture to bid on contracts, allowing you to get more lucrative jobs together as a prime contractor.
- Your business can team up with a more experienced prime contractor and have greater access to financing and successful bids under a Mentor-Protege agreement.
- You can get specialized business training, counseling, marketing assistance and high-level executive development from SBA’s resource partner help that other companies just can’t get.
- Get known to potential purchasers.
- And, by getting certified as an 8(a) firm, you’ll be eligible to buy surplus government property, like desks, computers, tractors, heavy equipment and more, at the same price as government agencies can.
Come learn to see if you qualify, how to apply and leverage your certification.
Sign up now for
SBA Certifications: 8(a), Hubzone and ED/WOSB
May 27, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
SBA Nebraska District Office, 10675 Bedford Ave., Suite 100, Omaha
They’ll briefly cover the SBA’s other certification programs, EDWOSB and HUBZone, in addition to the 8(a) program. You will learn:
- Program Details
- Eligibility Requirements
- Benefits
- SBA Assistance to 8(a) firms
- Application process.
Register online at
the SBA Event Calendar.