Microsoft announced it is discontinuing Publisher in October 2026! Is anyone still using it? Most all of the libraries I’ve worked at/with use Canva for their flyers and handouts these days. If you own Office Standard, you will be able to continue to use the Publisher app it came with. If you have an Office365 subscription, you will lose access to Publisher.
If you were or are an Office365 Publisher user, Microsoft recommends converting your *.pub files by opening and saving them as Adobe *.pdf files before the October 2026 EOL (End-of-Life). Unfortunately, you will lose the ability to easily edit the converted *.pdf file using this method. I did some experimenting and LibreOffice Draw is a good alternative if you have Office365 and Publisher files you want to continue working with past the Publisher October 2026 EOL.
Andrew “Sherm” Sherman
Library Technology Support Specialist