February 3, 2020
Christa Porter
$24,500 in Internship Grants Awarded to Nebraska Public Libraries
Nebraskans will once again reap the benefits of the energy and creativity of Nebraska young people as they serve as interns in their local public libraries. The Nebraska Library Commission recently awarded Nebraska Library Internship Grants totaling $24,500 to twenty-two Nebraska public libraries. These internship grants will support public library interns, who will contribute to the scope and value of the diverse programs and activities in Nebraska’s public libraries.
“The internships are a great opportunity for students to get involved in library work. Beyond earning money and gaining valuable work experience, the student is exposed to the broad range of library services and programming. Internships provide an opportunity for the student to view the library as a viable and satisfying career choice. In addition, interns bring a fresh perspective and their own unique talents to the library,” said Nebraska Library Commission Director Rod Wagner.
Student interns will learn about library work as they shadow staff, assist with day-to-day library operations, and implement special projects. Some of the activities that students will participate in include:
- plan and implement programs such as summer reading programs for all ages, storytime sessions, book discussions, and teen/tween activities;
- implement a Young Adult Book Group or a Teen Summer Reading Program;
- organize Makerspaces and Maker Clubs, as well as other STEAM learning activities;
- create a Local History Collection;
- assist with outreach events outside the library;
- update the library’s website and social media sites (Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, etc.) or in some situation designing and coding a new website;
- assist with circulation activities, book selection, and collection management;
- create flyers, newsletters, newspaper articles, and other promotional materials; and
- work with Summer Youth Outreach Services to provide Bookmobile services at locations throughout the city and county.
The following Nebraska public libraries were awarded 2020 internship grant funding:
Alma, Hoesch Memorial Library
Atkinson Public Library
Axtell Public Library
Bassett, Rock County Public Library
Bayard Public Library
Bellevue Public Library
Columbus Public Library
Falls City Library & Arts Center
Grant, Hastings Memorial Library
Kimball Public Library
Lincoln City Libraries – Three branches (Bennett Martin, Loren
Corey Eiseley Branch, Charles H. Gere Branch) and the Lied Bookmobile/Youth Services Department
Orleans, Cordelia B Preston Memorial Library
Oshkosh Public Library
Oxford Public Library
Plainview Public Library
Shelby Community Library
York, Kilgore Memorial Library
Additionally, five public libraries participating in the Library Innovation Studios: Transforming Rural Communities (LIS) project have also received 2020 internship grant funding. The interns hired in these libraries will primarily be working with this LIS makerspace grant. These libraries include:
La Vista Public Library
Lied Pierce Public Library
McCook Public Library
Nelson Public Library
Superior Public Library
Funding for the project is supported and administered by the Nebraska Library Commission, in partnership with the Nebraska Library Systems.
As the state library agency, the Nebraska Library Commission is an advocate for the library and information needs of all Nebraskans. The mission of the Library Commission is statewide promotion, development, and coordination of library and information services, “bringing together people and information.”
Nebraska’s Regional Library Systems consist of four non-profit corporations governed by boards representative of libraries and citizens in the region. The four systems were established to provide access to improved library services through the cooperation of all types of libraries and media centers within the counties included in each System area.
The most up-to-date news releases from the Nebraska Library Commission are always available on the Library Commission Website, http://nlc.nebraska.gov/publications/newsreleases.