Where do identity theft victims turn for help? For many, it’s the same place they turn whenever they’re stumped — their local library. They know a librarian will find the right resource to help them recover from a crime that affects millions of people every year.
IdentityTheft.gov is that resource, a free government site to report identity theft to the
Federal Trade Commission, build a step-by-step personalized recovery plan, and put that plan into action.
How it works:
Go to
IdentityTheft.gov and answer some questions about what happened. The site will:
- Build your customized recovery plan
- Walk you through each recovery step
- Track your progress and adapt to your changing situation
- Pre-fill letters and forms that you can use to deal with businesses, debt collectors, and even the IRS.
How libraries can use
- Use it to give your patrons advice. If your library has a secure network, help them report the theft and and open an account. If not, give them an IdentityTheft.gov fact sheet and suggest they visit the site from a secure network or using their mobile phone’s cellular data.
- Order free bookmarks and factsheets! Visit FTC.gov Bulkorder and order as many bookmarks and fact sheets as you need for FREE.
- Visit FTC.gov/libraries. Get more consumer tips and tools; they’re free and in the public domain. You can use the content in your library’s newsletters, share them online, and even put your library’s logo and branding on them.
Please use these materials to empower yourself and your community to fight back against identity theft!