“Some of the simplest, most innovative things I’ve thought of just happened through conversation,”– Hans Bekale, Classless Agency, Omaha, NE
This week, the Dude almost decided to end his streak of weekly posts (and it will happen sooner or later), but then listened to a
recent NET story about Do Space and for some reason started thinking about Marcus Aurelius and the exchange of ideas (no kidding). Now, before we get to the Do Space plug, a little side note. There could, theoretically, be a long dissertation on Marcus Aurelius, collaboration, and the power of patience, but another newfound quote seems to illustrate the Dude’s thoughts on these things a whole lot better:
The most valuable skill of a successful entrepreneur … isn’t ‘vision’ or ‘passion’ or a steadfast insistence on destroying every barrier between yourself and some prize you’re obsessed with. Rather, it’s the ability to adopt an unconventional approach to learning: an improvisational flexibility not merely about which route to take towards some predetermined objective, but also a willingness to change the destination itself. This is a flexibility that might be squelched by rigid focus on any one goal.
–Oliver Burkeman
So if you are planning a collaborative learning space or collaborative library program, check out the
NET story. Perhaps this could inspire you or just give you a bit more information about the great work that is occurring at Do Space, both concerning collaboration and technology. Shaka.