A live training webinar, “
The National Agricultural Library: Agricultural Information for the 21st Century,” will be presented on Tuesday, February 16, 2016.
Register today for “The National Agricultural Library: Agricultural Information for the 21st Century”.
Start time: 2:00 p.m. (Eastern)
Duration: 60 minutes
Speaker: Chris Cole is the Acting Associate Director for Information Products and the Manager of Business Development at the National Agricultural Library (NAL). As the Associate Director, he manages the customer facing activities of the library including the information centers and reference operations. As the Manager of Business development, he manages the grant seeking operations of NAL and the development of partnerships with public and private sector groups to digitize collections and develop new services.
Learning outcomes: This webinar describes the history and customers of the NAL. It will include an in-depth description of NAL’s current services, information products, and tools. Participants will learn about the information resources and tools freely available to them via the web. These include the PubAG repository of agricultural research articles, the AGRICOLA periodical index, the specialty Information Centers, and information tools such as the NAL thesaurus.
Expected level of knowledge for participants: No prerequisite knowledge required
The webinar is free, however registration is required. Upon registering, a confirmation email will be sent to you. This registration confirmation email includes the instructions for joining the webinar.
Registration confirmations will be sent from
sqldba@icohere.com. To ensure delivery of registration confirmations, registrants should configure junk mail or spam filter(s) to permit messages from that email address. If you do not receive the confirmation, please notify GPO.
GPO’s eLearning platform presents webinars using WebEx. In order to attend or present at a GPO-hosted webinar, a WebEx plug-in must be installed in your internet browser(s). Download instructions.
FDLP Academy for access to FDLP educational and training resources. All are encouraged to share and re-post information about this free training opportunity.