This is a good time of year to remind Nebraska librarians that they can save money on the web and print versions of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system by participating in the
Nebraska Dewey Group Purchase!
Dewey on the Web
Enjoy web-based access to an enhanced version of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) database through
WebDewey. WebDewey includes all content from the print edition and features:
regular updates (new developments, new built numbers and additional electronic index terms)
- an easy-to-navigate, simple user interface that is suitable for the novice as well as the power user
- BISAC-to-DDC mappings
Our next WebDewey Group annual subscription term will begin on January 1, 2016 and run through December 31, 2016. Libraries may join the Group at any time. Mid-term subscriptions will be prorated. Orders must be received by the 15th of the month for a start date of the 1st of the following month.
If your library is interested in subscribing to WebDewey, you will find Pricing information on the online WebDewey Order Form.
To see WebDewey in action, try the
WebDewey 2.0: An Overview tutorial.
Dewey in Print
The Nebraska Dewey Group includes the print versions of the Abridged Edition 15 (1 volume) and the 23rd edition of the unabridged Dewey Decimal Classification (4 volumes).

OCLC is offering group participants 10% off of the original list price on the DDC in print.
If your library is interested in ordering the DDC in print, you will find pricing information on the online Book Order Form.
For more information about the DDC, please visit
Dewey Services.
If you have any questions about these Dewey products or the Nebraska Group, please contact
Susan Knisely, 402-471-3849 or 800-307-2665.
NOTE: OCLC Membership is NOT required to purchase Dewey products.