Shaka. The purpose of today’s post is to let you know about a new
basic public library survey and Bibliostat™ guide that has been posted on the NLC website. If you are new to the IMLS public library survey or are looking for a brief refresher, this is a good place to start. Bibliostat™ is the data collection tool that Nebraska currently uses to collect data for the public library survey. States are free to use whatever method they choose; in Nebraska it is Bibliostat™. The aforementioned guide also has a bit of background about the public library survey, as well as the basic Bibliostat™ navigation. You can also print a copy of the survey and instructions from the
data services section of the NLC website. This may help you to compile some of the data ahead of time, instead of scrambling around at the last minute. As always, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.