The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region (NN/LM MCR), under contract with the
National Library of Medicine, announces the availability of K-12 School Partnership funding.
The MCR plans to fund four awards up to
$1,500 in Option Year 3 (May 2014-April 2015):
- Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2014.
- Recipients will be notified by October 7, 2014.
- Projects must be completed by April 30, 2015.
The purpose of this award is to support new projects or enhance existing collaborative projects between a library (public, community college, or academic health sciences) and a K-12 school entity (school library, school nurse, health/science teacher) involving National Library of Medicine health and/or science information that can serve as a model for other partnerships.
Examples of projects include:
- Partnerships to provide access to health information to support health and/or science curriculum.
- Partnerships to conduct innovative health and/or science information outreach programs.
- Partnerships to benefit community access to health information.
- Partnerships to improve access to health information for underserved/vulnerable populations.
Partners must be an NN/LM MCR Full or Affiliate member. Membership(s) may be confirmed by entering a zip code in the NN/LM Member Directory. Not a member, sign up today, it’s free.
Allocation of Funds:
Reimbursements will be made to project leader upon receipt of invoice(s). Indirects and overhead are not allowable.
Quarterly and final reports are required.
Apply online.
If you have questions regarding this award, contact Dana Abbey or Monica Rogers, MCR Health Information Literacy Coordinators.