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Junior First LEGO League Grant for Public Libraries — Application Due April 4
The STAR (Science-Technology Activities and Resources for Libraries) Library Education Network (STAR_Net), in partnership with Junior FIRST® LEGO® League (Jr.FLL®), is proud to announce a grant program aimed at building participation in Jr.FLL in public libraries nationwide. For more information about Jr.FLL, visit
This solicitation is open to all public libraries in the United States. Preference may be given to libraries in the following regions where Jr.FLL Affiliate Partners are already established, but other locations are welcome and encouraged to apply: Delaware, New Mexico, Southern California, Rhode Island, Utah, Missouri, Ohio, Central Texas, Virginia, South Carolina, and Illinois.
Libraries chosen to participate in this program will receive approximately $2,500 in LEGO materials, participation fees and other support.
The deadline is April 4, 2014. To apply, visit If you have difficulty accessing or sending the application, please contact Anne Holland as soon as the issue arises ( or 720-974-5876).
This pilot program will include a strong research and evaluation component, so libraries should be willing and able to participate in online, in-person and phone surveys related to the project. This pilot program will provide mandatory training, materials and miscellaneous expense reimbursement (such as program fees) to 17 libraries. Libraries not chosen for the program are still encouraged to participate in Jr.FLL.
All applying libraries should join the STAR_Net Online Community at to participate in discussions about the program, and gain access to materials developed in support of the program.
In addition to participation in research and evaluation, libraries will be responsible (with help from regional partners as allowed) for recruiting 5 teams (of 2-6 children) and 5 coaches (1 coach per team, all “lead” coaches must be 18+, assistant coaches can be younger).