This episode of Tech Talk was broadcast live from the Computers in Libraries 2012 conference in Washington, DC. Usually, in this monthly feature of NCompass Live, the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Michael Sauers, discusses recent tech news. But this month we have something special for you. We are proud to bring you a live broadcast of one of the conference sessions!
The Next (Big) Thing
Sometimes, it can be most helpful just to hear what libraries are thinking of doing next, as well as visions of the next BIG thing. A small panel of BIG thinkers share brief thoughts on what the BIG things for libraries will be in the next few years, then participants share their institutions’ plans for next week, next month, and next year. Have your notepad or mobile device of choice ready to jot down potential collaborators.
David Lee King, Digital Branch Manager, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library and Publisher, davidleeking.com
Helene Blowers, Director, Digital Strategy, Columbus Metropolitan Library
David Stern, Associate Dean for Public Services, Illinois State University
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