Fabulous Films for Young Adults: an ALA/YALSA list coming for the first time in 2013!
The first nominations for Fab Films 2013 are now up! The theme for this first year is Survival (think external conflict like weather, war, zombies, etc). There is a nice variety of titles already nominated, you can view them
You also are welcome and encouraged to submit a field nomination. There is no date limitation beyond that is has to be on DVD by the time nominations close on Dec 1st. DVDs also have to be widely available for purchase. The nomination form is available
here. More information about the committee and criteria can be found

I recently read
One Foot Two Feet by Peter Maloney. This picture book has a die cut square in the center of every other right side page to help introduce words that do not use “s” to make a plural. The first page states, “one foot” with the illustration inside the square, turn the page and you have “two feet” and see the entire illustration. The book is also a counting book of sorts, each page start with “one mouse” or “one goose” but goes on to state “three mice” and “four geese” as it counts to ten. It is a fun and clever approach to a possibly confusing topic.
Sorry I have been on the road so much in February and March I didn’t get “What’s Sally Reading?” up on our home page during that time.
(The Nebraska Library Commission receives free copies of children’s and young adult books for review from a number of publishers. After review, the books are distributed free, via the Regional Library Systems, to Nebraska school and public libraries.)