Nebraska Newspaper Microfilm Duplication Changes

If you purchase Nebraska newspaper microfilm for your library from the Nebraska State Historical Society, note the change in their duplication policy outlined below. A complete listing of NSHS access and duplication charges can be found on their web site at Notice Regarding Microfilm Duplication Services From the Nebraska State Historical Society As of March 1, 2010, there will be a change in microfilm duplication services. We will continue to offer silver halide microfilm as a duplicate copy at $70/reel. Because of a change in pricing from the vendor, we will no longer offer diazo duplicate microfilm. Silver halide is archival quality and is the best choice for library use. With this in mind and with the pricing increase that would be necessitated if we continued to offer diazo duplicates, we have decided to implement a silver halide only duplication policy. This change will affect all orders including standing patron orders. Thank you for your continued support and effort in preserving Nebraska history. Andrea I. Faling Associate Director, Library/Archives Mary Woltemath Curator Assistant, Library/Archives Microfilm Department (402)-471-4776
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2 Responses to Nebraska Newspaper Microfilm Duplication Changes

  1. Sandra Slater says:

    Can you send a list and prices to purchase Holdrege Citizen newspapers from the Nebraska HistoricaL society. Thank you, Sandra Slater

    • Mary Sauers says:

      Good morning Sandra!
      Here is the contact information for History Nebraska (Nebraska State Historical Society):

      1500 R Street, Lincoln, NE 68508
      Phone: 402-471-4751

      Thank you!

      Mary Sauers
      Nebraska Library Commission

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