ALA Book Awards
Welcome to the first of what I plan to be weekly blog entries about my perspective of goings on in the book world, from articles in library journals to whatever book I am reading that week. Let me know your opinion of the titles I mention by adding your comment to the appropriate entry.
The ALA book awards were announced this week, visit:
or see the Commission’s announcements page for the winners), and I was pleased to notice that one of the Honor Books for the Printz Award, The Monstumologist by Rick Yancy, is the title I checked out of the library last week. (I can’t be too smug because I did
not check out the Printz winner, or the Newbery winner, etc.)
The main character, Will Henry, is 12 and is the assistant to Dr. Warthrop, a monstrumologist: one who studies and defeats various monsters in the world. A knock at the door in the middle of the night begins this adventure when a local grave robber brings in a strange and fearsome dead creature. The monstrumologist is certain there are more such creatures and they must be destroyed as soon as possible.
It already has offered a couple of scary places that make me happy to be reading it during the day (I am easily scared!), still I can’t wait to know what will happen. I wish it had a drawing of one of the Anthrpophagi they are after, but maybe my imagination is enough. It will appeal to readers who like things a little scary and Rick Yancy is a proven story teller, his Alfred Kropp books are such fun. Visit his website at: