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Free Webinars in April
Preservation Assistance Grant 101 (BCR)
April 3 (11-Noon or 3-4 pm) CT
BCR’s Digital and Preservation Services (DPS) provides free assistance to help you through the Preservation Assistance Grant (PAG) application process. Small- to medium-sized institutions can apply for $6000 to preserve and care for their collections through the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)’s Preservation Assistance Grant for Smaller Institutions. Eligible institutions include non-profit libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, arts and cultural organizations, and town and county records offices.
April 16, 2-3 pm CT
Implementing an Online Helpdesk using Event Tracker (TechAtlas Webinar)
TechAtlas for Libraries is a set of free online tools to help libraries with the technology planning and the management of their computer inventory. Event Tracker is a tool within TechAtlas which allows users to create an online “help desk” so they can track all of the requests and solutions to computer troubles in the library. When a staff member reports the problem using the web-based form, TechAtlas notifies the designated technical support staff by e-mail. After the problem has been resolved, there is space in Event Tracker to include the solution. This creates a knowledge base that can be referred to later if the same problem occurs. It also helps you to stay on top of all the technology tasks that need to be completed in the library.
April 17 (1-2 pm CT)
ALA Connections Salon: Advocacy, with Special Guest Marci Merola, Director of the ALA Office for Library Advocacy (OPAL)
Join us for an informal conversation about advocating for libraries, reading, and the responsible use of information. Discuss with your fellow ALA members how to make your point, perfect your elevator speech, and advocate for your library.
April 22 (1-2 pm CT)
MaintainIT Cookbook Virtual Celebration (MaintainIT)
Come join a celebration of the thousands of librarians who made TechSoup’s, MaintainIT Project a successful reality — from the 400+ librarians and tech support personnel who spent their valuable time sharing stories, to the countless contributors and volunteers who used the content, contributed to the events, and created a community of librarians learning from each other. Please join this virtual event, where you’ll get the top technology tips from library technology experts, hear what MaintainIT Project staff learned from their many conversations and library travels around the country, and learn how you can keep the rich Cookbook content and community alive on WebJunction.
April 22 (2-3 pm CT)
Drug Resources (National Library of Medicine)
Drug Resources – MedlinePlus, LactMed,, The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region is presenting a new series of online classes. Once a month in 2009, liaisons will present information and exercises on various databases from the National Library of Medicine in an hour-long web conference. All classes are free and no registration is required. You will simply need 1) a computer with Internet access and 2) a phone (the system will call you – free of charge).
To join the webinar, go to: on the day of the program.
April 24 (11-Noon or 3-4 pm CT)
Categories for the Description of Works of Art (BCR)
This one-hour session will explore Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA), a rich metadata schema that describes art and other cultural heritage resources. CDWA contains 512 categories and subcategories, and it is the basis of other metadata schemas, including VRA Core. It also maps to MARC and Dublin Core. This session will interest anyone with a passion for art and human artifacts, including textiles, architecture, sculpture, and photography.
Thanks to Jamie Marcus, Wyoming State Library, for the info.
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