On February 12, at 4:00 p.m. Second Life Time (that’s 6:00 p.m. our time) several of us in the Network Services department attended the Michigan Library Consortium’s monthly lecture series in Second Life. The topic was Evergreen, the Open Source ILS. The event was hosted by MLC’s Evette Atkins (Evie Mikazuki) and included presentations by Don McMorris (Don Graysmark), Technical Support Specialist at Equinox, the Evergreen Experts, and Tim Daniels (ISBNContepomi) from the Georgia Public Library Service, which administers Evergreen for the state of Georgia.
This event is noteworthy for several reasons. First, it was interesting to hear librarians talk about a large-scale implementation of an open source ILS, since there is
interest in exploring the possibility of doing something like this in Nebraska. Second, it was a good example of the sort of professional development and interaction that can occur in a virtual world like Second Life.
If you’d like to view the PowerPoints used by the two presenters and read through the chat transcript, they are available via
MLC’s Evergreen blog. (Rod, if you scroll to the end of the transcript, you’ll see that one of the attendees specifically asked us to tell you hello!)

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