OCLC Language Sets: Prepare for the Multilingual World
OCLC Language Sets is an easy and inexpensive way to build your multilingual collections with fiction and non-fiction books, videos and DVDs. Language Sets offers pre-selected sets of current popular materials in 17 languages – Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Malayalam, Marathi, Panjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and Vietnamese. The Custom Collection option lets you design a collection based on your library users’ specific needs.
You receive the most current and popular titles, full-level MARC records for each title, plus free shipping and cataloging. Your new holdings are added to the WorldCat database of shared records from libraries around the world, which means your users will be able to find library materials on the Web through familiar sites such as Yahoo! Search and Google. Language-specific posters and bookmarks are included to help you promote your non-English resources.
Libraries who wish to order Language Sets do not have to be members of OCLC. The sets are available to both OCLC member and nonmember libraries.
Attend this session to see an overview of Language Set content, delivery options, pricing and information about how you can create your own custom collections.
Presented by Christa Burns on 10 October 2007.
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