#BookFace is all about Teen Reads this week with. “
” by Lucy Schall (Libraries Unlimited, 2015). This title is part of our Library Science Collection, it provides professional and reference materials for Nebraska librarians and library science programs! You can check this out yourself by searching the
Online Catalog,
This week’s
#BookFaceFriday model is Sally Snyder, our Coordinator of Children and Young Adult Library Services!
Sally will be presenting ‘Popular Teen Novels: New Books They Need to Read’ at #neblib2018, Saturday, Oct 6th at 9:00 am. Don’t miss it! #2018books4teens (Sponsored by the School, Children, and Young People’s Section) Learn about qualities to look for in books teens are reading, and the titles Nebraska teens are seeking at their libraries. The presenters will discuss new books that are popular with teens in their communities and describe the qualities these titles possess that make them good choices for many libraries. #BookFaceFriday #TeenBooks #Read
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#BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/ref/bookclub. Check out our past
#BookFaceFriday photos on the
Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!