With the new year comes changes, and in this case the change is that we’ve moved the Nebraska Learns 2.0 blog in-house and onto the Commission’s WordPress installation. The URL for this program going forward is
http://nlcblogs.nebraska.gov/nelearns Please update your bookmarks and RSS subscriptions accordingly.
For continuity’s sake, all of the content and comments from the original blog has been copied over to the new site. The original site will continue as is, so as to continue to support any links from other sites that have been created.
Nebraska Learns 2.0 is the Nebraska Library Commission’s ongoing online learning

program. The goal of our program is to encourage participants to experiment with and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are reshaping the way people, society and libraries access information and communicate with each other. Nebraska Learns 2.0 is a self-discovery program which encourages participants to take control of their own learning and to utilize their lifelong learning skills through exploration and PLAY.
Each month, we offer you an opportunity to learn a new Thing (or lesson). You have all month to complete that Thing and receive one CE credit. You may choose which Things to do based on personal interest and time availability. If the Thing of the month doesn’t interest you or if you are particularly busy that month, you can skip it.
The Thing for January is: Keeping up with RSS.
To start out the new year on Nebraska Learns 2.0, we’re going to revisit a topic that we’ve mentioned previously, but want to remind you about again – RSS. You may already know about RSS and be using it every day. And that’s great! If you are a current RSS user, jump down to the Assignment and share how you’re using it with your colleagues. If you’re new to RSS, you’ll learn how you can benefit from this technology.
If you are new to Nebraska Learns 2.0, your first assignment is to
sign up to participate. This program is open to ALL Nebraska librarians, library staff, library friends, library board members and school media specialists.
We hope you’ll join your library colleagues in the fun as you learn about new and exciting technologies!