Tag Archives: Webinars

Continuing Education: Weekly Resources (12/16 – 12/20)

Dark green text on a lighter green background. "Continuing Education Upcoming Webinars and Events. December 16th - 20th."

Below is a list of free training opportunities coming up this week and some recently recorded webinars! There is also a monthly list of free training resources which is compiled each month by the Maine State Library and WebJunction.

Many webinars are recorded and can be watched later.

For more information, please visit NLC: Free Webinars or WebJunction: Free Training

To submit CE hours for the NLC certification programs:

Questions about CE hours or the certification programs, please contact: Holli Duggan

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Continuing Education: Weekly Resources (12/2 – 12/6)

Continuing Education Upcoming Webinars and Events. December 2nd - 6th.

Below is a list of free training opportunities coming up this week and some recently recorded webinars! There is also a monthly list of free training resources which is compiled each month by the Maine State Library and WebJunction.

(Many webinars are recorded and can be watched later.)

For more information, please visit NLC: Free Webinars or WebJunction: Free Training

To submit CE hours for the NLC certification programs:

Questions about CE hours or the certification programs, please contact: Holli Duggan

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Continuing Education: Weekly Resources

Text reads "continuing education upcoming webinars and events for November 25th- 29th"

Below is a list of free training opportunities coming up this week and some recently recorded webinars! There is also a monthly list of free training resources which is compiled each month by the Maine State Library and WebJunction.

(Many webinars are recorded and can be watched later.)

For more information, please visit NLC: Free Webinars or WebJunction: Free Training

To submit CE hours for the NLC certification programs:

Questions about CE hours or the certification programs, please contact: Holli Duggan

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Continuing Education: Weekly Resources

Continuing Education Upcoming Webinars and Events. November 18th - 22nd.

Below is a list of free training opportunities coming up this week! There is also a monthly list of free training resources which is compiled each month by the Maine State Library and WebJunction.

(Many webinars are recorded and can be watched later.)

For more information, please visit NLC: Free Webinars or WebJunction: Free Training

To submit CE hours for the NLC certification programs:

Questions about CE hours or the certification programs, please contact: Holli Duggan

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Continuing Education: Weekly Resources

Continuing Education. Upcoming Webinars and Events. November 4th - 8th.

Below is a list of free training opportunities coming up this week! There is also a monthly list of free training resources which is compiled each month by the Maine State Library and WebJunction. (Many webinars are recorded and can be watched later.)

For more information, please visit NLC: Free Webinars or WebJunction: Free Training

To submit CE hours for the NLC certification programs:

Questions about CE hours or the certification programs, please contact: Holli Duggan

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Continuing Education: April Free Webinar List

Lots of free webinars coming up in April!

The free webinar list from the Wyoming State Library/WebJunction presents a list of webinars with program descriptions and links to registrations. Below are some upcoming webinars.


























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Continuing Education: COVID-19 and Emergency Planning

Below is a short list of free resources related to the current difficulties of COVID-19, including the sudden shift to online or distance services and managing anxiety and stress. Following this list, there are upcoming webinars discussing online library instruction, copyright, how other librarians are navigating this crisis, and frauds and scams to watch out for. Additionally, there are several recorded webinars focusing on emergency and disaster planning. These webinars are all eligible for continuing education (CE) credit for the Public Librarian certification program and for library board members. If you have any questions, please contact Holli Duggan, CE Coordinator.


Pandemic Preparedness (Nebraska Library Commission) – some guidance and resources collected, includes several example policies and restrictions from Nebraska libraries

Libraries and the Coronavirus: Evolving Information and Resources (WebJunction) 

OCR Short Video on Online Education and Website Accessibility (U.S. Department of Education)

Virtually Virtual Hangouts for Educators (Media Education Lab) – daily live hangouts with educators to discuss COVID-19 with different discussion leaders and curated resources

Managing Anxiety and Stress (CDC) – short article with resources

Emergency Responders: Tips for Taking Care of Yourself (CDC) – short articles with resources

COVID-19 Webinars:

Information Literacy at a (Social) Distance: Strategies for Moving Online (ACRL) – archived from March 17th

Pandemic Pedagogy: Resources for Library Instruction at a Distance (ACRL) – archived from March 18th

Navigating the Impact of Coronavirus – discussion panel with library professionals of Seattle Public Library Foundation, King County Library System Foundation, Toronto Public Library, and The Public Library Fundraising Forum – recording 

Professional Convention and Management Association is hosting a series of webinars in March on how business events around the world are being affected 

March 20: Copyright for Campus Closures: Exploring Copyright Issues around Moving Instruction and Reference Online (ACRL) – will be archived after the live session

March 20: Libraries and COVID-19: Managing Strategies and Stress (American Libraries Live)

March 26: Librarians Respond to Coronavirus and Other Pandemics (Library 2.0) – recording will be available, register for a free Library 2.0 account to login

April 8: Coronavirus Frauds and Scams: What You Need to Know (Federal Depository Library Program) – register to attend live session or to receive recording

Emergency/Disaster Planning Webinars and Courses:

From Facilities to Trauma: Disaster Planning and Community Resiliency at Your Library (WebJunction) – archived recording

NCompass Live: Emergency and Disaster Response Planning for Libraries (NLC) – recording

Are You Ready? Essential Disaster Health Information Resources for Keeping Your Loved Ones Safe (NNLM) – archived course

In Case of Emergencies: Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning (NNLM) – online course

Making Sense of Numbers: Understanding Risks and Benefits, Learning How to Communicate Health Statistics (NNLM) – archived recording

From Problem to Prevention: Evidence-Based Public Health (NNLM) – archived recording

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Upcoming Webinars from WebJunction


Strategic Planning in a Deeply Weird World: The Flexible Roadmap Field Guide Approach

DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, March 26, 2019:  2:00-3:00 CENTRAL TIME


Join us to learn about Salt Lake City Public Library’s new ground-breaking approach to strategic planning, focused on human-centered service design.

It’s a big task to define the library’s future over the next three or five years, and strategic planning is becoming less and less effective in a rapidly changing world. The Salt Lake City Public Library (SLCPL) has created a new approach that is flexible, staff-driven, and human-centered. SCLPL’s Strategic Roadmap is not a 100-page plan in a binder-on-a-shelf; it’s an experiential learning tool that invites all staff to participate in the co-creation of meaningful outcomes and experiences for the community. The Roadmap focuses less on planning and more on building the capacity of staff to adopt a human-centered service design mindset and skillset. SLCPL staff are adopting a new perspective, continually experimenting with and adapting spaces, collections, services, programs, and their own roles, to responsively address community needs and aspirations in an ever-changing landscape. Join us for this webinar to learn how to cultivate new skills to help bring the Roadmap to life for your library’s strategic planning.

Presented by: Peter Bromberg, Executive Director; and Marilee Moon, Assistant Director of Customer Experience, at Salt Lake City Public Library

The Power of Small: How Rural Libraries Help Their Communities Thrive

DATE AND TIME: Thursday, April 18, 2019: 2:00-3:00 CENTRAL TIME


Learn how any tiny library can find more ways to support the needs of their community by thinking strategically and creating new connections.

All libraries provide vital services to their communities, but libraries that serve small, rural populations have the potential to go beyond providing information and access—they can inject the vitality that will help their communities thrive. Addressing the challenges faced by rural areas may seem daunting to a library with few staff and limited resources, but any tiny library can find more ways to support the needs of their community by thinking strategically and creating new connections with their stakeholders, patrons, and other library staff. Learn how small library director and 2018 Library Journal Mover & Shaker, Allie Stevens, applied the concept of growth mindsets to set her priorities, use resources and volunteers smartly, and avoid burnout as a solo librarian. Follow her lead to turn your library into a powerhouse for your community.

This webinar is presented in collaboration with the Association for Rural & Small Libraries.

Presented by: Allie Stevens, Director, Calhoun County Library & Museum, Hampton, Arkansas

The Library as Social Connector: Forging Community Connection

DATE AND TIME: Thursday, April 25, 2019: 2:00-3:00 CENTRAL TIME


This webinar will explore how libraries play a role in creating social connection and identify ways to more intentionally facilitate stronger community bonds.

Strong social cohesion is a crucial factor in a community’s resilience in times of stress and disruption. Unfortunately, studies show that our communities are experiencing a steady erosion of social cohesion, pointing to an increase in loneliness, depression, and separation because of too much time spent online and too little time spent in the community. Libraries have the position and the power to rebuild social bonds, offering that sense of community and shared place that humans crave. Active learning programs that bring people together for participatory, shared experiences are a boost to community strength, but they could go even further to amplify social connection and build social infrastructure. Join us as we explore library programs through the lens of social possibilities and devise strategies to be more intentional about forging stronger community bonds.

Presented by: Betha Gutsche, WebJunction Programs Manager, OCLC; and Jennifer Peterson, WebJunction Community Manager, OCLC

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Free Webinars List

The list of Free Webinars for July includes 43 different programs.  But if none of them do it for you, did you know that you could check  on programs offered in previous months?  Most Webinars are archived, and their shelf life is at least a few years, so why not view some not-so-oldies but goodies?  Just take the URL of the current Free Webinars list (http://nlc.nebraska.gov/CE/webinars.aspx) and after the character string “webinars” add the date in the format yyyymm.  So the URL for April’s list of Webinars, for example, is http://nlc.nebraska.gov/CE/webinars201404.aspx .  Last November’s list is at http://nlc.nebraska.gov/CE/webinars201311.aspx.  Listings go back to October 2011.

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Free Webinars in June

Thirty two great programs are on the list of Free Webinars for June.  The subjects run the gamut, and there’s some fine learning to be had.

Are you interested in brushing up your management skills?  Check out:

  1. Leading Your Own Life: A New Approach to Employee Engagement (American Management Association)
  2. Blueprint for Innovation Leadership: How to Drive Sustainable Growth (American Management Association)
  3. Servant Leadership: Creating Culture and Sustaining Performance (American Management Association)
  4. New Lessons in Library Leadership (Public Library Association)
  5. Five Secrets for Delivering Engaging Online Presentations (American Management Association)

Would you like to emphasize customer service?  Here are some programs that you’ll find useful:

  1. Gaming and Seniors (Texas State Library & Archives)
  2. An Overview of Working with Senior Patrons and Technology (Texas State Library & Archives)
  3. Providing Services to People with Disabilities: Creating a Welcoming Environment (Texas State Library & Archives)
  4. Providing Services to People with Disabilities: Accessibility and Accessible Information Technology (Texas State Library & Archives)

 Are you interested in information resources?

  1. World Bank Data and Research: Opening the Vault (World Bank and Library Journal)
  2. Craft Essentials (Creative Publishing International, Potter Craft, Tuttle Publishing, Taunton Press, Brodart, and Library Journal)
  3. The Census: American Community Survey – We Measure Your Community Annually (Infopeople)

 Looking to check out some new technology?  There are 5 Webinars for you:

  1. Wanna get hAPPy? Using the iPad in Schools and Libraries (NCompass LIve)
  2. Ten Tips for Using Social Media, with Scott Brown (LE@D)
  3. Bozarthzone! Nuts and Bolts of Social Media (insync training)
  4. Tech Talk with Michael Sauers (Nebraska Library Commission)
  5. Copyright Law Update 2011: Ebooks, Google Books, Patron Requests and New International Developments (Infopeople)

 Do you have a special project you’d like to get grant funding for?  These programs might help:

  1. Introduction to Fundraising Planning (Grant Space)
  2. Grantseeking Basics (Grant Space)
  3. Introduction to Finding Funders (Grant Space)
  4. Proposal Writing Basics (Grant Space)
  5. Guide to Online Grantseeker Resources (Grant Space)
  6. Proposal Budgeting Basics (Grant Space)
  7. Ten Best Practices for End of Year Fundraising (Common Knowledge)

 Would you like to catalog more efficiently?  How about:

  1. Cataloging Efficiencies That Make a Difference (WebJunction)
  2. Pioneer’s Progress (NCompass Live)

 Are you hoping to build a new library?

  1. A Tour of Four Library Journal New Landmark Libraries Humphries Poli Architects, Meyer Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd., Frye Gillian Molinaro Architects, Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture, and Library Journal)
  2. Libraries are Essential: Building an Ongoing Connection (Library Journal)

 Are you developing and promoting your collection?

  1. Fresh Voices for Teen Readers (Booklist)
  2. Booktalks With a Bang (Nebraska Library Commission)
  3. What’s New in Audiobooks (Booklist)

 And here’s a day-long symposium—for free!—discussing how social and technology trends are changing libraries.

Yale Library Research Education Symposium: Change and Tensions in Teaching and Technology (Lyrasis)

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