In honor of a true Nebraska legend, today we are highlighting Leta Powell Drake’s memoir, “
” (
J & L Lee Co., 2014). Leta Powell Drake was a celebrity in Nebraska and throughout the world of entertainment with a 50-year career in broadcasting. To us, at NLC, she holds a special place as a narrator for our Talking Book and Braille Service. Many of her famous interviews have been archived by History Nebraska and can be found on their
YouTube channel. We highly recommend her memoir and as part of our permanent collection, it’s available for check out to anyone. Just ask our amazing
Information Services staff! This title is published by the University of Nebraska Press, which we collect from for our state document program. In 1972, the Nebraska Legislature created the
Nebraska Publications Clearinghouse. Its purpose is to collect, preserve, and provide access to all public information published by Nebraska state agencies.
“The Calamities of Kalamity Kate is a nostalgic trip into the past that is not only enjoyable but edifying.” — foreword by Ron Hull
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#BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/ref/bookclub. Check out our past
#BookFaceFriday photos on the
Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!
Too cute! love it!