As situations continue to change daily, we have decided to postpone the upcoming Basic Skills classes. We are going to be focusing on developing more self-paced modules which will be announced as they are available.
The one exception to this change will be the “Introduction to Cataloging” class which begins on April 1st and will be open until May 31st. Additionally, the “Understanding MARC 21 Bibliographic Records” class (which is part of the cataloging certification, not a Basic Skills class) will begin as scheduled on March 30th.

So, what does this mean if your certification is due in 2020?
No worries!
For both librarian and library board certifications that are due in 2020, you will be able to extend your certification for one year. For example, if your current certification date is 05/01/20, your new date would be 05/01/21. Linda Babcock will be reaching out to individuals and library boards via email about this extension process.
For those of you who are not due for certification renewal in 2020, but are worried about completing CE hours or keeping up with the Basic Skills requirement as we move through this difficult time, we understand and are able to work with you for extensions or offering additional resources. We absolutely want to do everything we can to help.
If you have any questions or concerns at all, please don’t hesitate to contact Linda Babcock or Holli Duggan.