Who’s up for a little #BookFace intrigue?

Take a trip to San Francisco, circa 1890 with this week’s
#BookFace title. Get to know Ms. Lizzie Hayes as she navigates upper-class society as a middle-aged spinster in “Sister Noon” by Karen Joy Fowler(G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2002). This book is a part of our NLC Book Club Kit collection, and is the perfect selection for your book club!
“A playful, mysterious, highly imaginative narrative set in the San Francisco of the 1890’s…Robust, sly, witty, elegant, unexpected and never, ever, boring.”—Margot Livesey, The New York Times Book Review
This week’s
#BookFace model is Susan Knisley, NLC’s Online Services Librarian. She was kind enough to indulge us and played dress up for this week’s photo.
Love this
#BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/ref/bookclub. Check out our past
#BookFaceFriday photos on the
Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!