Tag Archives: Nebraska State Normal School

Throwback Thursday: 1906 Football Team

It’s football season #ThrowbackThursday!

This 9-1/2″ x 7-1/4″ black and white photograph shows the Nebraska State Normal School football team at Kearney, in 1906. It shows sixteen men, most wearing football apparel. One of the seated players holds a football marked ’06 and a white dog in the lap of another. This team compiled a record of 3-4-2 on the season, scoring a total of 28 points. The coach was Wynfred E. Allen.

This image is published and owned by the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Archives, Calvin T. Ryan Library. UNK was founded in 1905 as the Nebraska State Normal School at Kearney, became Nebraska State Teachers College in 1921, was renamed Kearney State College in 1963, and joined the Nebraska University system in 1991. The collection shows faculty, students, buildings and activities from the first dozen years of the school’s existence.

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