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Tag Archives: Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation
Throwback Thursday: “A Lantern in Her Hand” Quilt
Make sure you’re staying bundled up this #ThrowbackThursday!

This photograph shows a handmade patchwork quilt depicting images from the novel, A Lantern in Her Hand including a string of pearls and the box used to carry the McKenzie family treasures as the family moved West. The title and some musical notes are embroidered across the top.
The quilt was made in 1988 by a group of quilters from the Elmwood area to be raffled as a fund-raiser for the Aldrich Foundation. The quilt is in a bedroom of the Bess Streeter Aldrich House in Elmwood, Nebraska. The bedroom has been named after the Aldrich novel A Lantern in Her Hand and in addition to the quilt contains a collection of lanterns and reproductions of items described in the novel. The bedroom was shared by the oldest Aldrich son, Charles, and youngest son, Robert, when the Aldrich family lived in the home.
This image is published and owned by the Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation. All items in their collection are on display at the Bess Streeter Aldrich House and the Bess Streeter Aldrich Museum in Elmwood, Nebraska
See this collection and many more on the Nebraska Memories archive!
The Nebraska Memories archive is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see for more information.
Throwback Thursday: First British Edition “A Lantern in Her Hand” by Bess Streeter Aldrich
Its another #ThrowbackThursday!

“A Lantern in Her Hand” was written in 1928 by Bess Streeter Aldrich, one of Nebraska’s most widely read and enjoyed authors. Pictured here is the book cover and inside flap of the first British edition of the book. The inside cover has a brief description of the book and lists the price as “8s. 6d.”
This image is published and owned by the Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation. All items in their collection are on display at the Bess Streeter Aldrich House and the Bess Streeter Aldrich Museum in Elmwood, Nebraska.
See this collection and many more on the Nebraska Memories archive!
The Nebraska Memories archive is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see for more information.
Throwback Thursday: James Wareham Streeter and Mary Anderson Streeter
Happy #ThrowbackThursday from Nebraska Memories!
The families of Bess Streeter Aldrich’s parents, James and Mary Streeter, were the inspiration for the characters in several of her fictional works. Aldrich wrote: “When she was in her eighties, (mother) once related some pioneer experiences about the snow sifting through the chinks of the cabin and making grotesque figures on the bed quilts. In a moment of sympathy I remarked that we daughters were sorry her life had been hard in her pioneering days, that it seemed unfair that we now should live in an easier era with all its modern conveniences. She looked at me with an odd little expression and said: ‘Oh, save your pity. We had the best time in the world.'” Aldrich’s desire to capture the spirit of such a woman with historical accuracy was the inspiration for the novel “A Lantern in Her Hand.”
This portrait photograph is published and owned by the Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation. The images in this collection have been selected to give the viewer a deeper understanding of the influences and inspirations that Bess Streeter Aldrich drew upon when writing the 1928 novel “A Lantern in Her Hand.”
Check out the full collection on the Nebraska Memories archive.
The Nebraska Memories archive is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see for more information.