Public Library Accreditation 2024 Workshops Scheduled

‘Public Library Accreditation 2024’ workshops are now open for registration! All workshops will be held online only, via GoTo Webinar. To register for a session, go to the Nebraska Library Commission’s Training & Events Calendar and search for ‘accreditation 2024’.

NOTE: The online workshop is being offered on several days and at varied times, to give attendees multiple opportunities to find a convenient time to attend. The same information will be provided at each workshop, so you only need to register for one session. A recorded version will also be made available after all of the live sessions have been held.

The purpose of Nebraska Public Library Accreditation is to encourage excellent library service in Nebraska communities. The guidelines used to evaluate libraries and their services are community-based, so libraries need to know their communities’ needs in order to provide appropriate library services that meet those unique needs. That’s where Community Needs Response Planning comes in!

In this workshop, Christa Porter, NLC’s Library Development Director, will answer all of your accreditation questions, such as:

  • What is Nebraska Public Library Accreditation?
  • What are the benefits of accreditation?
  • How does my library become accredited?
  • What’s a Community Needs Response Plan? And why does my library need one?

Public Library Directors, Staff, and Library Board Members are encouraged to attend.

Dates and times:

  • June 4 – 1:00-4:00pm Central / 12:00noon-3pm Mountain
  • June 6 – 9:30am-12:30pm Central / 8:30-11:30am Mountain
  • June 11– 9:30am-12:30pm Central / 8:30-11:30am Mountain
  • June 12 – 1:00-4:00pm Central / 12:00noon-3pm Mountain

To register for a session, go to the Nebraska Library Commission’s Training & Events Calendar and search for ‘accreditation 2024’.

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