The game is afoot, it’s #BookFaceFriday!

Today we’re solving the mystery of the Nebraska Library Commission’s prodigious book club kit collection. Where do all of those books come from, you may ask? Well, we build our Book Club Kits one or two books at a time, sometimes buying from book sales, but also through donations. Is your library passing the time with some overdue weeding? Before you discard those extra books, take a look at the NLC Book Club Kits list. Increasing the number we have of each title allows us to service larger book clubs or split them between several book clubs at one time. We also accept donations of Children and Young Adult titles for our annual book drive benefiting the Salvation Army, the Center for People in Need, and the People’s City Mission. One such donated book is this week’s title “The Case of the Missing Books” by Ian Sansom (William Morrow Paperbacks, 2007.)
“[Sansom’s] fish-out-of-water dilemmas and encounters with kooky locals will resonate with Alexander McCall Smith fans” – Publishers Weekly
One of our Book Club Kit users recently sent us a kind note about the service.
“Everytime I have space left in a book club kit box, I look to see what donations we have received that might match up with one of your book club kits. Appreciate all you do,” Lisa Flaxbeard – Bennington Public Library
Love this #BookFace & reading? Check out our past #BookFaceFriday photos on the Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!