O magic place it was — still open thank God.
-Alexandra Harris

What could be more appropriate than this week’s
#BookFaceFriday highlighting National Library Week! Celebrate with “
Public Library and Other Stories” by Ali Smith (Anchor, 2016). Libraries = Strong Communities is this year’s theme and nothing could be truer. What can you do to help your community celebrate? Get out to your library, sign up for a library card, tell someone what you love about your library, and tell your local library staff how much you appreciate them! It’s that easy. This book is a part of our NLC Book Club Kit collection, and is a great read!
Why are books so very powerful? What do the books we’ve read over our lives—our own personal libraries—make of us? What does the unraveling of our tradition of public libraries, so hard-won but now in jeopardy, say about us?
The stories in Ali Smith’s new collection are about what we do with books and what they do with us: how they travel with us; how they shock us, change us, challenge us, banish time while making us older, wiser and ageless all at once; how they remind us to pay attention to the world we make. — book jacket
This week’s
#BookFace model is NLC’s Talking Book & Braille Service Audio Production Studio Manager, Gabe Kramer! He is the only one we could talk into laying on the sidewalk outside the office, so he deserves an extra high-five this week.
Love this
#BookFace & reading? We suggest checking out all the titles available for book clubs at
http://nlc.nebraska.gov/ref/bookclub. Check out our past
#BookFaceFriday photos on the
Nebraska Library Commission’s Facebook page!
I love this photo! Thanks for the the commitment, Gabe.