Learn why ‘A Textbook Program is NOT for Us!’ on the next FREE NCompass Live webinar on Wednesday, December 19, 2018, 10:00am – 11:00am CT.
‘A Textbook Program is NOT for Us! Re-Imagining Failure Into New Possibilities’
Sometimes, despite all our efforts, projects fail. We’re here to tell you that’s okay. In 2017, the
University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Criss Library created a Textbook Reserves Pilot Project. At the time we weren’t sure it would work out. We were optimistic, though. After all, we had plenty of evidence that said it would work: our literature review had examples of successful textbook programs. Our data showed textbook prices rising. We met with advisors across our campus who said students desperately needed textbooks to succeed. We had buy-in from library administrators, the bookstore, and student government, but something just didn’t click. In this program, we share the top reasons why we think our textbook pilot project failed, how the lessons learned during our pilot helped as UNO Libraries created an
Open Educational Resource initiative, and why failure should always be embraced throughout your organization.
Presenters: Heidi Blackburn, STEM and Business Librarian, UNO Criss Library; Tammi Owens, Outreach and Instruction Librarian, UNO Criss Library.
Upcoming NCompass Live events:
- Dec. 26 – Talking Books and Duplication on Demand!
- Jan. 2, 2019 – Best New Teen Books of 2018: Popular Teen Novels – New Books They Need to Read
- Jan. 9, 2019 – Graphic Novel Collection and Programming
- Feb. 6, 2019 – You Make Me Want To Break Out
For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the
NCompass Live webpage.

NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the
Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the
NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.