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Library Managers from Tajikistan Visit Nebraska Library Commission
A group of librarians/library managers from Tajikistan will be visiting the Nebraska Library Commission on Monday, November 3. Sponsored by the USAID and hosted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln libraries, during this part of their tour the visitors will learn about the mission and roles of a state library agency. Nebraska Library Commission staff will share information on funding sources, public services, library development and support, children’s services, library education and recruitment, electronic networking and services, government information services, Talking Book and Braille Services, library marketing and public relations, and the Nebraska Center for the Book. Please comment below regarding other activities to introduce these visitors to library service in America.
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I think that we will be learning from the Tajikistanis as well as imparting information! It will be wonderful to meet people from a place and culture so different from here. NLC is one of several libraries they will be visiting.
Video of a presentation by the Tajikistani
visitors can be viewed at