Is your library the Best Small Library in America?

Calling all libraries serving communities of 25,000 or less! The deadline to nominate your library for Library Journal’s Best Small Library in America is November 5! This is an amazing opportunity to show off your great rural or small library. The winning library will receive a $15,000 cash award from the Gates Foundation, conference costs for two library representatives to attend the 2008 Public Library Association Conference AND a feature article in Library Journal. Anyone can nominate a library – the library administration itself, patrons, members of the community, library peers, etc. And, there is no entry fee. Nominate your favorite Nebraska library today! Nomination guidelines and instructions are on the Best Small Library in America website.
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2 Responses to Is your library the Best Small Library in America?

  1. June Bindle says:

    Falls City,Ne. has the best ,top line library for the size of our city or any other city that I know of.The librarians and workers are doing a great job. Our, daughter from Frisco texas thinks this library is wonderful, Our little 4 yr.old grandson visited the library when they were here after the opening. he loves books and computers. I enjoy the Art room. Alan Tubach,showed his fabulous paintings. There has been many more showings to enjoy also.Our great grand children love the library.Our library is interested in local artis’s paintings also. My brother Robert wagner donated one of his paintimgs to the old library . It was moved to the new one when every thing was moved that cold day. Please add my vote to the many others that may be comimg in. thank you.
    Sincerely, June Bindle

  2. Lorna Simon says:

    I would like to nominate the Falls City public library. Our new library is almost a year old. We have a wonderful helpful staff. Whatever book, movie, or periodical one is looking for, the librarians are most helpful.
    The new art center is beautifully designed and has exhibits of unusual quality for a small town.
    Our library has programs for preschoolers and art activities for grade school age children.
    It has the most use of any building in town!(other than the grocery store) We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful facility.

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