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Tag Archives: The Dresden Files
Friday Reads: “Summer Knight” by Jim Butcher
No series has so quickly enraptured me like Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files, with each book pulling me deeper in than the last. Set in Chicago, the series follows Harry Dresden: wizard for hire, paranormal investigator, and perpetually down on his luck. He’s got a sharp wit, one-liners that leave you laughing out loud, and a hero complex that puts him in dangerous situations for the sake of others that you can’t help but feel for.
Believing in magic has always come naturally for me, I was raised on Disney after all, but the world of The Dresden Files really blends the idea of the supernatural into the real-world setting of Chicago so seamlessly that it leaves you looking for bits of magic around you- though perhaps in more dangerous fashion than Disney magic might have you believe. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and of course wizards have all played major roles in the series up to this point- but my favorite has always been the fae.
While the fae had been introduced in previous books, Summer Knight really delves into the world of Faerie and even further expands the magical world that Butcher has been building up for the past three books, so I couldn’t have been more delighted when very early on Harry gets a visit from one of the Faerie Queens, Queen Mab of the Winter Court. His fairy godmother (long story) has sold his debt to her, and she’s here to cash in.
While I won’t delve too deep into the plot points of Summer Knight, it generally covers a brewing war between the Summer and Winter Courts of Faerie, due to the murder of the Summer Knight- and the Summer Queen Titania thinks Winter is to blame. Queen Mab tasks Harry to discover the murderer in order to prevent the coming war between the courts. The book moves at a thrilling pace, involving old characters that you’ve already grown to love as well as introducing some new key characters as well throughout the story. And of course, Harry has the world against him once again as he fights to complete his task on time.
If you’re looking to dip your feet into the world of The Dresden Files, I highly recommend the audio books. I’ve always struggled with audiobooks, either losing focus or not processing parts of the book due to the strange way my brain works, but The Dresden Files has been the exception. The audio books are all done by James Marsters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame, and his performance as Harry is incredible. The audiobooks really make you feel as if Harry is sitting across a table, telling the story to you himself. It’s an extra layer of immersion into Butcher’s magical world, as well as a way to give Harry the ever so sarcastic tone of voice he deserves.
I’m more than excited to move onto the next book in the series, and have already pre-downloaded the next couple audiobooks onto my phone to listen to while traveling over the holidays. With seventeen books currently out and more to come, I know I’m in for a thrilling treat.
Butcher, Jim. Summer Knight. Penguin Putnam. 2002
Posted in Books & Reading, General
Tagged audiobooks, Book Review, Friday Reads, Jim Butcher, Summer Knight, The Dresden Files
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