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Tag Archives: broadband
Take the Nebraska Digital Access and Skills Survey
CONTACT: Ezra Effrein at
Take the Nebraska Digital Access and Skills Survey
September 14, 2023 (Lincoln, Neb.) —
How satisfied are you with the quality of your home internet connection? Does your household have enough computer devices available? How confident are you in your internet skills? The State of Nebraska would like to know.The State of Nebraska Digital Opportunities team will be hosting an online survey at to gather this data from Nebraskan households. The survey will allow Nebraskans to indicate how many computer devices (laptops, smartphones, or tablets) they have in their home, the quality of their broadband service, their ability to use the internet, and more. The survey must be completed by September 27, 2023.
“I would like to encourage Nebraskans to participate in the survey and help the State of Nebraska better understand and address the digital needs of residents,” said Ed Toner, CIO for the State of Nebraska. “Having access to the internet and appropriate devices, as well as having the digital skills necessary to use these technologies, is becoming necessary to access healthcare, financial services, education, and other necessities.”
The survey, conducted by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, is a component of the State of Nebraska’s State Digital Opportunities Plan being developed by the Office of the Chief Information Officer in conjunction with the Nebraska Broadband Office’s broadband planning efforts. The development of the State Digital Opportunities Plan is funded through a grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
“Collecting this data is really the foundation of beginning to understand, prioritize, and formulating solutions to the most important digital needs and skills of Nebraskans,” said Patrick Haggerty, Director, Broadband Office, Nebraska Department of Transportation. “Thank you to the Nebraska Digital Opportunities team and the University of Nebraska for supporting this very important work.”
To learn more about the Nebraska State Digital Opportunities Plan, please visit or
NCompass Live: Improving Internet Access In US Libraries: the ‘Toward Gigabit Libraries’ Project
Learn how to Improve Internet Access in US Libraries with the ‘Toward Gigabit Libraries’ Project on next Wednesday’s FREE NCompass Live webinar!
While much worthy attention has been paid to improving “last mile” connectivity for rural and tribal libraries, it’s the last 100 meters (the network inside the building) that is often overlooked and in need of improvement. The IMLS-funded Toward Gigabit Libraries project aims to address that problem through a self-service toolkit suitable for even the most novice of library workers. In straightforward, easy-to-understand language, the toolkit is designed to take lay people through technical concepts and tasks to create a Broadband Improvement Plan for each library. The plan is designed to help the library where it’s needed most – including improvements to hardware, software and configuration, suggestions for training and education, resources to advocate for better connectivity, and more. Fresh from the overwhelmingly successful pilot implementation of the toolkit in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington, Alaska, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut, the presenters will share the results of the pilot, lessons learned, and how this free toolkit applies to libraries of all types and sizes.
Presenters: Carson Block, Library Technology Consultant; Holly Woldt, NLC Library Technology Support Specialist; Tom Rolfes, Education IT Manager, Nebraska Information Technology Commission.
Upcoming NCompass Live events:
- March 13 – Ethics Behind Emerging Technology
- March 20 – Reading Diversely
- March 27 – Health Education Resources with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine
- April 10 – What is OER? Outstanding, Extraordinary Raw materials?
- April 24 – Connect to Meetings, and more…Experts, Virtual Field Trips with Zoom
For more information, to register for NCompass Live, or to listen to recordings of past events, go to the NCompass Live webpage.
NCompass Live is broadcast live every Wednesday from 10am – 11am Central Time. Convert to your time zone on the Official U.S. Time website. The show is presented online using the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Before you attend a session, please see the NLC Online Sessions webpage for detailed information about GoToWebinar, including system requirements, firewall permissions, and equipment requirements for computer speakers and microphones.
Posted in Broadband Buzz, Education & Training, Technology
Tagged broadband, digitalinclusion, IMLS, Internet2, libraries, NCompLive
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