Tag Archives: Agnes Hilger

Throwback Thursday: Agnes and Christina Hilger

It’s a beautiful #ThrowbackThursday!

A 4″x6″ glass plate negative, portrait photograph of Agnes and Christina Hilger, from David City, Nebraska. Agnes and Christina Hilger were the two youngest daughters of John and Florence Hilger. Agnes was born in Missouri, July 1881. Agnes married Allen B. Smith. Christine was born in Missouri, September 23, 1877, and died May 25, 1968, in David City, Nebraska, where she is buried in St. Mary’s cemetery.

This image is published as part of the Boston Studio Project collection, and is owned by both them and the Thorpe Opera House Foundation. The Boston Studio Collection consists of over 68,000 negatives that record life in and around David City, Nebraska from 1893 to 1979.

See this collection and many more on the Nebraska Memories archive!

The Nebraska Memories archive is brought to you by the Nebraska Library Commission. If your institution is interested in participating in Nebraska Memories, see http://nlc.nebraska.gov/nebraskamemories/participation.aspx for more information.

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