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The Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries Grants due 12/31/08
The Laura Bush Foundation (LBF) is to provide books to the school libraries and students that most need them. Consequently, funds are available only for library books and magazine/serial copies and subscriptions.
The Foundation strives for wide geographic distribution in the support it offers, making grants of up to $6,000 to update, extend, and diversify the book collections of the libraries that receive them. All LBF grants are made to individual schools rather than to school districts, county systems, private organizations, foundations, or other entities. Only one application per school is allowed per year.
For more information and application, see
Specific questions regarding this application should be sent to
We are interested in knowing if any Nebraska libraries have received this grant in the past. If you are aware of Nebraska recipients of this award, please share information by clicking on Comment below.